Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Our 18th Year • Issue No. 45 • November 11, 2010 EZ WIRELESS Works On The Nations Largest Network NO CONTRACT • NO CREDIT CHECK “SMALL T WN FRIENDL “SMALL TOWN FRIENDL Ruther Y”® Y” 369 Butler Road, Forest City, North Carolina 28043 • Phone: 828-248-1408 • 644 S. Broadway Street, Forest City Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm; sat. 10am-2pm 828-202-5597 $14.32 pageplus Email: therford Hospital Auxiliary Holds Annual Meeting Hospital Auxiliary Holds Annual Meeting No Connection Fee! Unlimited Minutes Unlimited Text Message Nationwide Cellular HOME PHONE SERVICE • GREAT COVERAGE! Starting At EZ WIRELESS $4495 Per Mo. NOW OPEN OPEN DOUZO’S NO DOUZO’S GYMGY Accepting the Auxiliary’s monetary contribution of $103,000.00 was (left to right): Rutherford Hospital CEO David Bixler and VP Patient Care Services Nancy Boffemmyer. Presenting the check was (left to right): Auxil- iary President Bobbie Bridges, VP Carolyn Keever, Secretary Sharon Taylor and Treasurer Hampton Casebolt. S. Broadway St. Forest City S. Broadway St. Forest City 828-382-0284 Join Now 828-382-0284 Join Now Only $25 Only CONTRA CONTRACT P 25er Month NO er Month NO Entry form on page 29 The Rutherford Hospital Auxiliary’s Annual Meeting was called to order by President Bobbie Bridges at noon on Wednesday, October 27 at the Rutherfordton Club- house. Over one hundred volunteers and guests were in attendance. Chaplain Don Ledbetter delivered the Auxiliary Prayer and asked the blessing before the buffet that fol- lowed. President Bridges introduced the Auxiliary offi cers and President Lola Lurch of the North Carolina Hospital Volunteers (NCHV) and District One Representative Sue Price from McDowell Hospital in Marion. The Auxiliary of- fi cers unveiled the check for the RHI administrative rep- resentatives which revealed the monetary contribution of $103,000.00 Treasurer Hampton Casebolt presented the Auxiliary’s annual report which included that the fi nal monetary do- nation of $103,000.00 was in addition to other contribu- tions of equipment and services. The total contributions of the Auxiliary to RHI for fi scal year 2009-2010 was $108,961.58. Proceeds from the Auxiliary’s Gift Shop, vending machines, baby photo program, and fund raising events such as the $5 Jewelry, Book, and Uniform Sales made the generous contribution possible. Donations were made to Lifeline in memory of former volunteers Edna Twitty, Lillie Jones, Pat Sansing and Bev- erly Ervin. One hundred Teen Volunteers participated during the summer program with Justin Ledford being recognized as Rutherford County’s Youth Volunteer of the Year and also being named the 2010 Volunteer of the Year for Ru- therford County. Justin received a $1,000 scholarship from the NCHV and the Auxiliary matched with their own $1,000 scholarship. Ruth Challand was nominated and recognized by Volun- teer Rutherford for her 16 years and 6,800 hours of vol- unteer service to RHI. Under her leadership, the Toy Chest Committee made a total of 1,375 items which included 879 stuffed animals and 234 “Patient Pals” for pediatric patients, 29 pillows for mastectomy patients, and 198 lav- ender caps for newborns as a reminder to parents of the dangers of child abuse. This group of nine active members volunteered more than 1,200 hours during the year. A total of 226 adult volunteers volunteered 23,017 hours, and a total of 100 teen volunteers volunteered 3,116 hours with a combined total of 26,133 service hours for the year. As a matter of interest, a volunteer’s “hourly pay” is usually calculated at $21.50 per hour. This results in a $561,859.50 savings in salaries for Rutherford Hospital for 2009-2010. The accumulated hours of service to Rutherford Hospi- tal, Inc. since the founding of the Auxiliary forty-fi ve years ago is 796,790 hours, and the accumulated donation is $2,709,256.06. Ginger Dancy, Director of Volunteers and Community Relations, presented the Extra Mile Award to Dr. Hampton Casebolt for his time, talents and dedicated service to the Auxiliary. Having volunteered 3,100 hours since his retire- ment as Principal at R-S Central High School in 2005, he serves as the Treasurer of the Auxiliary which includes the general and Gift Shop’s accounts. Dr. Casebolt joins a pres- tigious list of 20 other volunteers who have been named the Extra Mile recipients since its inception in 1990. Jill Miracle, Foundation Executive Director, extended an invitation for the Auxil- ians to take advantage of the advice the experts who serve on the Foundation’s Planned Giving Council could give them. A brunch is planned for these groups to spend time together. Story and photos contributed b Jennifer Shoenfelt; Rutherford Hospital nc FREE HAIRCUTS For Veterans & Military Personnel at Spindale Barber Shop 111 W. Main St., Spindale on Thursday, Nov. 11 8am-6pm Info: 828-286-4585 Instruments Story and photos contributed by Jennifer Shoenfelt; Rutherford Hospital,, I Inc.. Dr. Hampton Casebolt, the 2010 Extra Mile Award winner, was presented a marble paper weight by Ginger Dancy, Director of Volunteers and Community Relations. Lifetime membership was awarded to Myrlie Barrier (left) and Geraldine Hinson for attaining the mark of 2,000 hours of service to the Auxiliary. Both volunteer in the Gift Shop and Geraldine volunteers at the Front Desk and serves on the Auxiliary Board. SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Large GREAT PRICES! TOO MUCH TO LIST! STOP BY & CHECK US OUT Musical Selection Electronics B&D’S THRIFT & LOAN 596 South Broadway St., Forest City • 828-245-3551 Game Systems & Games From TVs o iPods! • From Drums T From TVs to iPods! • From Dr t ums To Gu tars We Have A Large Se ection & Supplies Tooe Have A Large Selection & Supplies Tl Guitarsi oo!! Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:45 • Sat. 8:30-4:30 Major Credit Cards Accepted GREAT PRICES! TOO MUCH TO LIST! STOP BY & CHECK US OUT SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION! Bring us your chains, rings bracelets...anything gold & we’ll pay you TOP DOLLAR! Cash on Cash on the Spot!the Spot! ©Community First Media Community First Media ©CommuniCommunity First Mediaty First Media ©Community First Media Community First Media RESULTS! RESULTS! WE GET WE GET Layaway Now Layaway Now For For Christmas! Christmas!