Today's Entertainment

October 13, 2013

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Where the lakes area turns for news and information. 3 x 2" ad P.O. Box 974, 506 James Street, Brainerd, MN 56401 (218)829-4705 1-800-432-3703 1 4 3 2 * 8 10 3 x 2" ad * 11 15 1. Role on "NCIS" (2) 18. Popeye's love 8. Explosive device 19. Kennedy and Turner 33 9. Largest of the 20. Strong __ __ ox 10. Actress on "The Mentalist" (2) 14. __ Skywalker of "Star Wars" films John Wayne movie * 8. Willis, for one 11. "__ Ordinary Family" 18 25 Pequot Lakes Animal Hospital * 26 30 29 34 12. Dolly Parton's state of birth: abbr. 31 20 22 14. Ignited 23 20. Actress __ Lohman 27 21. Tranquil 32 37 36 38 * 21 * 35 * 22. "Eye for __ __"; 1996 film for Sally Field 23. Refusals 24. "Semi-__"; 2008 Will Ferrell movie * 25. 1960s stereos (hyph.) * 27. Late-night host 28. "__ Bravo"; 1959 7. __ board; nail file 13. "The King and I" star 28 24. Advanced degree: abbr. refuses to even try 13 16 1 x 1" ad 24 Mariana Islands * 12 19 17. Cake decorator ACROSS 5. "The Flying __" (1967-70) 6. Has a no-__-__ attitude; * 17 4. Malarial fever 7 9 14 2 x 2.5" ad 6 5 26. Laura Prepon's role on "That '70s Show" 33. "The Real Housewives __ __ __" 15. "__ Life to Live" 29. 2004 Danny Glover film 36. Swenson of "Benson" 16. Actress Joanne 32. Enrages 37. Sharpen 3 x 3" ad 38. Role on "Cheers" (2) DOWN 29. Crossed the pool 30. Foyt, for one 1. __ at; viewed 31. "Life As __ Know It" (2004-05) 2. Glowing coals 34. Monogram for actor Marshall 3. __-Wan Kenobi 35. Fraternity letter 2 x 3" ad 1 x 3" ad OCTOBER 13 - 19, 2013 – BRAINERD, MN/DISPATCH – 3

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