VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more
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O C T O B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 3 / Y O U R b u s i n e s s - t o - b u s i n e s s w e e k ly SPECIAL FOCUS NETWORKING AND CLIENT RELATIONs This month, VEGAS INC highlights the art of building and maintaining business relationships. LOCAL INVESTOR DOESN'T LET BROKEN NECK SLOW HIM DOWN By Eli Segall staff writer LEILA NAVIDI HOME OFFICE: Debra Gorov, owner of Gorov Event Management, says telecommuting allows her "to live a well-balanced life" because she can set her own schedule. COUCH SURFING Employees who are allowed to work from home often are happier, more productive and more loyal By Richard N. Velotta senior staff writer I t's 10:30 a.m. on a workday. Most sales reps have donned suits, settled into their corporate offices and probably attended a meeting or two. ¶ Not Julie Wilson. She is wearing casual clothes and just finished looking in on her infant son. She has fewer than 10 minutes to jump Few people can say they heard their own neck break, but Frank J. Glankler III can. He was walking to his kitchen to get water when he tripped over a baby gate, slammed his head into the countertop and snapped two vertebrae. He fell limp, face down onto the ground, blood pouring from his forehead. He was paralyzed instantly. He was airlifted to a hospital, had his neck rebuilt and was told he'd be a quadriplegic the rest of his life. But almost seven months later, he left the rehabilitation center on two feet, walking. Glankler, a valley real estate investor, is no ordinary man. He is a multimillionaire former homebuilder who didn't let a broken neck slow him down, even though other people his age with that injury often become depressed and suicidal. He transformed his rehab room into an office with satellite TV, computers and Internet. He held regular staff meetings while recuperating. He keeps at it to this day, buying and selling property even though he can't see GLANKLER,page 16 on a conference call, which she'll do from a sitting room/home office off her bedroom. When the conference call ends, she'll swap a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer. ¶ Wilson, a INSIDE TODAY medical management account executive at American Health Holding, is one of millions of Ameri- BLAME CONGRESS | P. 6 cans who telecommute. Working from nontraditional settings offers them flexibility that normal 9-to-5 gigs don't. They communicate with the outside world via email, instant messaging and Skype and typically spend parts of their day dropping off spouses at work, going to the gym, picking up children from school or starting dinner, knowing they can always work late at "the office" to meet a deadline. see TELECOMMUTE, page 14 Government shutdown hurts tourism efforts Nevada worked hard to create DON'T MESS WITH HIM | P. 7 Entrepreneur turns self-defense training into a successful enterprise DATA AND RECORDS | P. 20 Bankruptcies, bid opportunities, brokered transactions and permits THE LIST | P. 22 Trade and professional organizations | 14 October 2013 20131014_VI01_F.indd 1 | 1 10/10/13 2:19:07 PM