The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY
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“My research explores the mundane, man-made object as cultural icon. Blissful memories of birthday parties at McDonald’s Playland or playing with plastic cowboys and Indians are part of our social inheritance. On a personal level, as fixtures inherent in my childhood and adulthood experiences, telephone poles and Bic lighters surpass their functional identities. These objects invoke memories of long road trips or smoking my first cigarette. My body of work is a meditation upon the intrinsic value of these normally unconsidered objects.” _ Joe Von Stengel (excerpt from artist statement) Art People “Consolidation” - digital illustration “Pattern Joy Wallpaper” - digital design The artist Joe Von Stengel Joe Von Stengel is an artist and designer and digital art and design professor at Hartwick College. His recent works include digital media perfor- mances, an 8-Bit version of the Last Supper and a show called Paint the Town REd in Birmingham, England. Foothills has rental space available for your special events... Movie Theater / Hall Capacity approx.130 Production Room Capacity approx. 200 Atrium - Capacity approx. 300+ Rates are based on date, availability and purpose. Rooms are secured “first come first serve” by deposit. Sign up for our enews at This will allow you to see upcoming events in our other two theaters. 24 Market Street Oneonta, NY 13820 607.431.2080 The 624-seat theater at Foothills remains a work-in-progress. The gathering of finances necessary for its full functioning continues and regular use of the space will begin as soon as the public can be guaranteed only the highest-quality production values. Art Exhibits Birthday Parties Bridal Showers Business Meetings Concerts Conferences Craft Fairs Dances Graduations Lectures Lessons Lounge Acts Movies Performances Private Parties Readings Trade Shows Weddings Etc... Call to inquire about our flexible room rates... Call Orpheus Theatre box office at 607-432-9392 He has been performing his digital media perfor- mance, which he calls the MAshUp, RE-Mix Digital MEdia Show, with hip alt-rock band Finn Riggins. Pattern 8-Bit Last Supper is part of a series that mashes up works of art with video game culture. Von Stengel also creates video games, which can be seen at His website is Live at FOOTHILLS ORPHEUS THEATRE presents $22 Adults $18 Seniors/Students $10 Children (12 and under) Oct. 14, 2010 O-Town Scene 15