The O-town Scene

October 7, 2010

The O-town Scene - Oneonta, NY

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Scene the O-Town Vol. 1, No. 1 102 Chestnut St., P.O. Box 250, Oneonta, NY 13820 (607) 432-1000, Managing Editor Cassandra Miller Associate Managing Editor of The Daily Star Adrienne Wise Publisher Armand Nardi Cover, Center Spread Design David Fredette Editor of The Daily Star Sam Pollak Circulation Director Fred Schmidt The O-Town Scene is published Thursdays by The Daily Star Inc. Free copies are distributed throughout Oneonta, as well as parts of Otsego, Delaware and Schoharie counties. Member of The Associated Press and CNHI News Service Managing Editor’s Note where people can look to find out what’s happening. And for a small city sur- rounded by a rural area, there’s a lot happening. These parts have a wealth of art and music, and lots of interesting, good peo- ple and things. We want to tell you about it all. The idea for the publi- Thanks for opening up the O-Town Scene! We’ve been working through the sweaty sum- mer months and the last couple of cool weeks to plan for this publication and put it together.We’re pretty excited about it. We wanted to offer area readers something that they didn’t have, and we came up with an arts and entertainment weekly 2 O-Town Scene Oct. 7, 2010 cation was born in June after a couple of wild and crazy meetings with Daily Star employees, includ- ing our enthusiastic new publisher, Armand Nardi. Everyone’s been excited about the project _ even our usually stoic editor of The Daily Star, Sam Pollak. I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to have been given the job of making the idea of an arts and entertainment weekly publication something you can hold in your hands or see online (at This has been my child for the last few months, and now it feels like the little fella’s leaving for his first day of school. I’m having some separa- tion anxiety with the bud of an idea that I’ve been telling everyone about for the last few months, even strangers. It’s gone a little something like this: Yeah! An arts and en- tertainment publication with all this great stuff! It’s going to be cool, hip, edgy and sexy! Just like my 60-year-old editor wants it! I don’t know if we’ve taken on all of those qualities, but we like it. I hope you enjoy it, too!

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