Rutherford Weekly

June 22, 2023

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Page 16 - Rutherford Weekly 828-248-1408 Thursday, June 22-June 28, 2023 Reader Advisory: the National Trade Associations we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada. National Network Classified Ads FOR NATIONAL RATES & PLACEMENT CALL 704-484-1047 Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $ 1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-417-1306 SPECIAL OFFER Health & Fitness VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español Health & Fitness Dental insurance - Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 www. #6258 Health & Fitness Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587 Health & Fitness Viagra stop overpay- ing! 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Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value! Rutherford Weekly's publisher and its advertisers are not responsible or liable for misprints, typographical errors, misinforma- tion herein contained. We reserve the right to edit, reject or accept any articles, advertisements, or infor- mation to be printed in this publication. We will provide ad proofs for pre-paid ads or ads that are placed by established clients. No proofs may leave our premises without payment and permission and are copyright by Rutherford Weekly. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. CANCELLATION OR CORRECTION DEADLINE: is the same as the order deadline because much of our cost is involved in the production of the ad itself. If you have to cancel an ad after deadline, it may be necessary to charge for the time and materials we've spent on preparing the ad. Display & Classified Deadline is Tuesday at 3pm. ERRORS: We want your ad to be accurate and correct, and normally there will be no errors. However, should there be an error and it is our fault, we will give you a correction letter and return (and/or give credit) for the actual space occupied by the incorrect information. You should notify us of the error immediately and before the ad runs a second time. COPIES: ONE Free copy of Rutherford Weekly is available per household. Additional copies are available at our office for a $1.00 charge. No individual or business is permitted to place or attach any flyer, poster or any type of advertisement of any kind to our boxes or on our racks. FIRST MEDIA, INC FIRST MEDIA, INC "Creating Business For People" ® Proud Member of: Association of Community Publishers CIRCULATION C O U N C I L VERIFICATION Audit by Circulation Verification Council Display Advertising: Mayra Littman • Editorial & Announcements: For Classified Ads Call 828-248-1408 or email: Creative Director: Jan B. Cook Distribution: Tommy Sims • Greg Grimes RUTHERFORD WEEKLY 157 West Main Street, Forest City, NC 28043 Phone 828-248-1408 Visit us online at: The second day of summer brings us a possibility of rain today and throughout the remainder of the week. That's okay. Summer rain is a good thing for summer garden harvesting if it doesn't get to the fl ood stages. I can recall a couple of summers when fl ooding was a threat on the parcels of land where our food was growing for the summer, fall and winter. There were also times when the drought caused even more threat and damage to the plants. Our parents remedied that, later installing a sprinkler system on the majority of the garden. When I think of summer, gardening is right there in the forefront of activity at our house. Even as children toward the end of spring, we'd spend a day out in the yard with a large wash tub, hot water and soap washing the canning jars. They had been stored in the shed where naturally they gathered dust and cobwebs. Summer brought the best lunches in the world. With tomatoes and corn from the garden, most days we had tomato sandwiches and corn on the cob. We never tired of the meal, after all in just a matter of a few weeks the best of the tomatoes were history. We grew every vegetable imaginable. Summers also meant time sleeping in at least until 7 a.m. and if there was a good movie playing at the drive-up, our family loaded up for a movie night on a Saturday or Sunday. With parents who worked in textile plants, summers meant vacation during the July 4 holiday week. The best week ever. We were tent campers until my sisters and I moved away from home and our parents graduated to a camper. I wouldn't have traded tent camping for anything. It was always a lot of work camping for a week, but the memories of sleeping on the ground for years in US Army sleeping bags remain precious. Imagine taking all the camping gear, clothes and food for a family of six for a week. Quite a haul. Later as we grew bigger and our gear expanded, we traveled in two vehicles. Mama cooked most of our meals on a Coleman camp stove — pintos, cabbage, beets, and onions were a favorite. Later when our Great- Grandma Buckner gave Mama her old portable oven, we had biscuits and cornbread at our campsite — just like home. Summers meant day trips away from the campsite where we explored areas of the Great Smoky Mountains and visited the popular tourist attractions, back in the day — Ghost Town, Frontier Land, the Soco Gap Zoo. Lunches on our day trips were in restaurants, which were defi nitely a treat. There was nothing like hiking to the top of the Clingman's Dome and taking other hikes on unmarked trails, returning to our campsite in the late evenings for supper and games. Summers meant our cousins came to visit from Nevada. Those, too, were the best of times. Although 3,000 miles apart, we grew up together and were each other's fi rst best friends. Often when they were home, we'd walk through fi elds of kudzu toward what we called the Old Bailey house when we visited together at our grandparents' house. Getting back home was often a task. When Mama blew the car horn that meant we had to start running through the kudzu, an almost impossible feat, to the car. Summers also meant playing games with visiting neighbors such as Kick the Can, Ain't No Bears out Tonight or rolling over garden terraces in empty feed barrels. Summers often meant making homemade ice cream at the home of J.P. Toms and having to lie under blankets on the porch just to keep warm while eating the ice cold delicacy. Watermelon was actually a huge treat, too, and Daddy taught us how to get the seeds out quickly. Walks to the creek for swimming, fi shing or just wading upstream toward Spindale were also parts of the days of summer with the Gordon girls. We had to work and we worked hard, learning early on how to be the most productive during our hours of gardening. Shucking 100 dozen ears of corn was easier once we devised a plan. Blackberries were also a favorite part of summer. My sisters and I sold blackberries to earn camping money to spend on snacks at the camp store. Four quarts equals a gallon - right? We sold four quarts to one woman who ordered a gallon of berries, but she said it wasn't a real gallon. Broke our hearts, but we took the money anyway. I stopped by the side of the road where I live to investigate the blackberries last week. Why are the biggest and juiciest ones always behind the worst briars and completely out of reach? Mama would make blackberry jelly for the winter and a surprise blackberry cobbler on the day we picked. Summers were also spent enjoying GA Camp at Fruitland Baptist Assembly in Hendersonville and later on mission trips venturing to other states in the Northeast. I took my fi rst plane ride in the summer to visit my Nevada cousins. Oh, the days of summer hold some of the fondest memories of growing up in the country with sisters, cousins, neighbors and the best parents ever. So whatever lies before you this summer, savor some memories. Contact Jean: THE GOOD OL'E SUMMERTIME IS HERE, MAKE MEMORIES By: Jean Gordon

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