Rutherford Weekly

April 06, 2023

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Page 12 - Rutherford Weekly 828-248-1408 Thursday, April 6-April 12, 2023 Go green in your lawn and garden this spring S pring is a season of rejuvenation. As the cold days of winter drift away, spring blooms begin to sprout and grass regains its lush green look. Green is certainly a color that's synonymous with spring. Gardening enthusiasts can fi nd a way to make spring even more green by embracing several eco-friendly gardening practices as they bring their lawns and gardens back to life in the months to come. Create a compost pile. Composting is an eco- friendly way to enrich lawns and gardens. Composting helps to conserve water because compost promotes moisture retention in soil, reducing homeowners' need to water their lawns and gardens while also helping them to save money on their water bills. Composting also helps homeowners avoid the need to use potentially harmful chemical fertilizers because compost is a natural, slow release fertilizer. In addition, according to Canada's Green Action Centre, residential waste is 40 percent compostable materials. So composting can dramatically reduce the amount of waste homeowners ultimately send to landfi lls. Replace gas-powered mowers with reel lawn mowers. Reel mowers may seem like relics from simpler times, but today's reel mowers, while just as eco-friendly as their predecessors, are unlike those of yesteryear. According to the Planet Natural Research Center, an online resource for organic gardeners, gas- powered engines emit more than 10 times the hydrocarbons per amount of gas burned than auto engines. But reel mowers are fuel-free and less expensive than gas- powered mowers. Planet Natural also notes that reel mowers snip grass like scissors, leaving fi ner trimmings that can serve as nourishing, weed-deterring mulch for yards. Water at the right times of day. Homeowners who water their lawns and gardens at the right time of day can help the planet and reduce their energy bills. As spring gradually gives way to summer, temperatures typically rise. Watering during the coolest times of the day means less water will be lost to evaporation, ensuring water-needy soil will get all it needs to help lawns and gardens thrive. Early morning watering before the sun reaches its midday peak and/ or evening water as the sun is setting are typically great times to water lawns and gardens when temperatures are at their hottest. Use a rain barrel. Rain barrels provide another great way to conserve water while tending to lawns and gardens. Rain barrels collect and store rain water from roofs and downspouts, keeping water from washing into sewage systems where it can't be put to good use. Water collected in rain barrels can be used in various ways. Many homeowners can use water from rain barrels to water their lawns, gardens and houseplants, saving money on their water bills along the way. Spring gardening season provides a great opportunity for lawn and garden enthusiasts to embrace a variety of eco- friendly practices that can save them money and protect the planet. ROSS ROSS WINDOWS WINDOWS THE BEST FOR LESS! CALL FOR ESTIMATE 828-437-4848 • DOUBLE PANE • FULLY WELDED • FREE LOW E GLASS ARGON GAS LIFETIME WARRANTY ©Community First Media Community First Media "up to 101 u.i." CALL FOR $$$BEST PRICE$$$ CLINE'S CLINE'S Nursery Nursery SPRING SPRING KICKOFF! KICKOFF! Hours: Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5pm Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5pm Saturday 9am-4pm Saturday 9am-4pm Sunday-Closed Sunday-Closed Find Us On Find Us On FACEBOOK FACEBOOK ©CommunityFirstMedia ©CommunityFirstMedia 1901 FALLSTON RD. • SHELBY, NC 28150 704-487-9861 704-487-9861 OUR OUR GREENHOUSES GREENHOUSES ARE FULL! ARE FULL! Come by and Come by and see us today! see us today! • FERNS • TROPICALS • FERNS • TROPICALS HANGING BASKETS HANGING BASKETS ANNUALS • TREES • SHRUBS ANNUALS • TREES • SHRUBS AND MORE! AND MORE! Extraordinary Extraordinary JAPANESE JAPANESE MAPLES MAPLES

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