The Press-Dispatch
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$1.00 20 PAGES FOUR SECTIONS PETERSBURG, IN 47567-0068 Wednesday, Ma rch 15, 2023 PIKE PUBLISHING VOLUMe 153, nUMBer 10 Honoring Petersburg VFW Commander Kevin Russelburg Military Service held for VFW Commander By Jill Hyneman correspondent "Kevin will be missed by every- one who was fortunate enough to meet him," Jim capozella, a VFW Post 3587 honor Guard Member, said. "a true Patriot and always a Marine." Kevin Lee russelburg, of Peters- burg, died at home March 1, 2023. russelburg's military funeral ser- vices were held Friday, March 10 at Walnut hills cemetery, in Pe- tersburg. russelburg served his country in the United states Marine corps from 1988 to 1992, serving in des- sert shield/dessert storm. "Kevin was a change of pace at the VFW, representing the post-Vietnam era veterans," capo- zella said. "Up until Kevin's leader- ship role, most of the offices of this post, were veterans from the 1960s. he was mentored by past com- mander chris Kinman and long- time post quartermaster d.r. Min- nis. The three worked hand in hand with the membership to benefit all veterans and their families. Kevin's work at the helm was cut short, just days before he accepted hosting the eighth district VFW meeting. I, like many of our members, found that explaining Veterans of Foreign Wars goals and procedures to Kev- in was something that manifests new insight and purpose." capozel- la said. russelburg had been the VFW Post 3587 commander since Octo- ber, 2022. By being the command- er, russelburg wanted to honor those that dedicated their time to our country and services for the freedoms of our country and to make sure the community knew the services the VFW provides to the community. russelburg graduated from Illi- nois state University in engineering and was in the engineering field for 30 years. he was a federal firearms licensed gun dealer, and owner of datum arms. russelburg had writ- ten in many trade publications. he enjoyed committing his time to the local VFW Post and honored the quote on the side of their building " We served our county and now we serve our community." debby Pasley one of the auxiliary members spoke about russelburg's commitment to their post in the past and said at the time, "Kevin has been a wonderful asset to our club. he jumped in right away with the honor Guard and has been contrib- uting ever since." Pasley also said," We are a family here. We support our community and hold benefits for our families in need." you may be eligible to be a member of the auxiliary if you are a wife, husband, mother, father, stepmother, stepfa- ther, daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, stepdaughter, stepson, sister, half-sister, stepsister, broth- er, half-brother, stepbrother, widow or widower of Veteran of Foreign Wars and a Us citizen." NEWS TIPS Phone: ����������������������������������� 812-354-8500 Email ����������������������sherri@pressdispatch�net INSIDE Local �������������������������A1-4 Obits ���������������������������� A5 Sports ������������������������ B1-2 Classifieds �����������������������C1 Legals ������������������������� C2-3 Home Life ���������������������C5 History ����������������������������C6 Church ����������������������� D1-2 Opinions ������������������������ D3 School ���������������������������� D4 USPS 604-34012 SPORTS B1 INSIDE A3 See BIRDIE on page 2 See STUDENTS on page 2 See PETS on page 2 Three make all PAC Garden Club meets Donations can be made to VFW Post 3587 in Commander Kevin Russelburg's memory. Jim Capozella, VFW Post 3587 Honor Guard Member, presenting the United States Flag to Kevin Russelburg's son, Jackson Russelburg. Sprucing up Winslow Parks The Winslow Park and Recreation Department has had two work days already in the month of March. "The park has two new teeter totters, fresh paint, fixed picnic tables and new basketball nets," Alexis Rusch, Parks Director, said. "The park has been cleaned up of all tree limbs and sticks too. Follow our facebook page for future work/volunteer days or monetary donations for the park can be sent to PO Box 289, Winslow, IN 47598." Volunteers from the community and the Pike County Lead- ership volunteered on Sunday. PCHS Honor Students make blankets for local veterans By Mendy Ross correspondent Veterans were gifted handmade fleece blankets made by Pike cen- tral high school national honor society students this winter. The Winslow american Legion Post 115 asked the nhs students to make the blankets for local veterans in three of Pike county's nursing homes: amber Manor, Golden Liv- ing center and Lakewood assisted Living. The veterans also received a goodie bag of candy, pudding, jell- o, beef sticks, cookies and crackers. The Winslow american Legion Post 115 gifted the students with a dona- tion check as appreciation for their good work. There are currently 50 juniors and seniors in the Pike central chapter of the national honor soci- ety. Mrs. cassi craig, who has spon- sored the group at least 15 years, is assisted by Mrs. angie Williams. The blankets for Veterans was a new project for the group; which according to craig the students like the flexibility in the blanket projects because they can fit it into their schedule at any time. "nhs helps with a variety of community service projects," craig said. "some of them include preparing Thanksgiving meal kits for local families, collecting toys at christmas for local elementary students, making the blankets for chemo Buddies in the spring, serv- ing at events such as the communi- ty Foundation spring Gala and the Taste of Pike county, volunteering at Fall Festivals and spring carni- vals at our elementary schools, and PCHS students perform Bye Bye Birdie By Mendy Ross correspondent Bye Bye Birdie, the feel-good 1950s musical, took place at the Vance hays auditorium at Pike central high school, on March 10 through 12. The musical is an affectionate satire on the populari- ty of superstar and teen idol elvis Presley. In the fictional world of Birdie, every teen's dream is rock 'n' roll sensation conrad Birdie, played by Max Burkhart, who's about to go into the army. his agent sees this as an opportunity for major publici- ty and arranges for the star to get a goodbye kiss from one lucky girl on The ed sullivan show. soon, Bird- ie's arrival in the small-town home of the winning girl makes unexpect- ed waves in the lives of its residents. Winner of the 1961 Tony award for PCHS students performed the musical Bye Bye Birdie this past weekend and during the song Telephone Hour, the gossip hour phone conversation between all of the ladies of Sweet Apple, in- cluding Jaidyn Gogle, that have to discuss that Kim MacAfee has just gotten pinned to Hugo Peabody. Winslow residents urged to watch their pets Dog found by grainery shot to death with its head severed By Sherri Griffin editor during the monthly Winslow Town council meeting, it was brought to the council members attention by Bill Marshall, Winslow animal control director, that a dog who had gone missing was found on the railroad tracks by the grainery shot to death and it's head severed off. Marshall was clearly upset about the incident and said that the dog did not have it's head cut off from a train, but that it was a clean cut like something done with a meat cleaver. "This was very disturbing and is under investigation," Marshall said. "It was a clean cut, not one done by a train. The animal had gotten out of it's house and we received two calls looking for it. We found it on the railroad tracks. Last Fall, the same thing happened, in the same area." residents are being urged to keep an eye on their pets and if anyone saw anything or knows what hap- pened, to contact the Police. In other department reports, al- Over 300 manholes throughout Winslow will need to be inspected according to Winslow Streets Supervisor Torez Baham, and residents should not be alarmed if they see Street Department employees in their yards inspecting the manholes.