The Indiana Publisher

February 2023 IP

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February 2023 Page 6 Holly V. Hays Indianapolis Star Glick Philanthropies announced it would award $1.37 million to nearly 30 Central Indiana organiza- tions, including a $25,000 grant to support IndyStar's partnership with Report for America. The funding will support the work of Caroline Beck, who joined IndyStar as a Report for America corps member in June 2022 to cover K-12 education across Marion County, with an emphasis on the township districts. A program of The GroundTruth Project, Report for America connects early and mid-career journalists with host newsrooms across the country to report on underserved beats while encouraging participating news- rooms to explore new revenue sources and expansion via philanthropic and community support. In doing so, the program provides up to half of the funding for the reporter's salary over their multiyear contract. "To close access and achieve- ment gaps in education, all community members must be informed of key issues and innovative solutions," Marianne Glick, chair of the Glick Family Foundation, said in a written statement. "Stronger journalism — and journalism that's not at-risk of being cut due to a changing business model — creates a stronger community." In addition to the award announced Tuesday, Glick Philanthropies is pursuing a matching grant from the Knight Foundation, which in fall 2022 announced a $250,000 commit- ment to support local journalism across the state. "A healthy democracy relies on strong journalism. Unfortunately, shrinking newsrooms leave substantial gaps in news coverage across issues of utmost community importance," Marianne Glick said. "Our philanthropic community is uniquely positioned to help strengthen local journalism through grantmaking and community leadership." IndyStar Executive Editor Bro Krift said the Star will continue to seek such community partnerships as it explores sustainable answers to the obstacles facing the newspaper industry. "I'm so grateful for Glick Philanthropies' support, which will allow us to deepen our reporting on critical needs – like education – in Indianapolis," he said. "Collaboration like this is essential for our organization to thrive. It's no secret the local news business model is challenged. IndyStar recognizes the urgency, and we're not going to stand around and wait for someone to figure it out for us. With partners like Glick Philanthropies, we are finding solutions that will help us continue to tell Hoosiers' stories." How you can support IndyS- tar's partnership with Report for America To support Caroline's work through 2025, IndyStar is raising $100,000. If you or your organization would like to make tax-deductible contribution to support this reporting, you can make a one-time donation online or a recurring monthly donation via RFA. You can also donate by check, payable to "The GroundTruth Project." Send it to Report for America IndyStar Campaign, c/o The GroundTruth Project, Lockbox Services, 9450 SW Gemini Drive, PMB 46837, Beaverton, Oregon, 97008-7105. Please put IndyStar/ Report for America in the check memo line. Contact Newsroom Develop- ment Director Holly Hays at holly. Follow her on Twitter: @hollyvhays. Glick Philanthropies awards $25K to support IndyStar's partnership with Report for America for education reporting Beck The schedule for publication of local government unit's annual reports is as follows: COUNTY Following the second regular meeting of the county commis- sioners, the report should be posted and published (IC 36-2-2- 19). According to the state Board of Accounts, newspapers should expect those reports in February. The annual financial report output that will meet the require- ment of the receipts and disburse- ment portion for IC 36-2-2-19 is called Cash & Investments Combined, according to the state Board of Accounts. Counties often use the 100R report for the total compensation paid to each of the county officers, deputies and employees. TOWNSHIPS Within four weeks after the third Tuesday following the first Monday in February (dead- line - Tuesday, March 22), the township trustee is to publish an abstract of receipts and disburse- ments (IC 36-6-4-13). To avoid squabbles over pub- lication costs, township trustees and newspaper should note that budget lines with $0 amounts do not have to be included in the published report. This will serve to condense the size of the pub- lication. CITIES, TOWNS Within 60 days after the end of the calendar year (deadline – Tuesday, March 1), the fiscal officer is to publish an annual report of receipts and disburse- ments (IC 5-3-1-3). SCHOOL CORPORATIONS No earlier than Aug. 1 nor later than Aug. 15, the secretary of each school corporation must publish an annual financial report (IC 5-3-1-3). OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION as defined under IC 36-1-2-13 For those political subdivi- sions with an annual budget of at least $300,000 and the power to levy taxes, and do not have a requirement to publish an annual report under another statute, an annual report of receipts and disbursements is required to be published not later than 60 days after year end – Tuesday, March 1. (IC 5-3-1-3.5). 2023 schedule for publication of local government units

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