Rutherford Weekly

February 23, 2023

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Thursday, February 23-March 1, 2023 828-248-1408 Rutherford Weekly - Page 17 Piney Knob Baptist Church 1534 PINEY KNOB RD., RUTHERFORDTON, NC We Invite You To Attend The Church Of Your Choice C H U R C H H A P P E N I N G S A R E A A R E A DEADLINE FOR CHURCH HAPPENINGS: MONDAYS 10AM • EMAIL TO: EVENTS@RUTHERFORDWEEKLY.COM A R E A HARRILL LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION CO. HARRILL LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION CO. LANDSCAPE DESIGN • INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING IRRIGATION NC REGISTERED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR NC CERTIFIED PLANT PROFESSIONAL 828-245-7482 • Bostic, NC 345 S. Broadway, Forest City 345 S. Broadway, Forest City 828-245-8067 828-245-8067 Moores ooresAutos utosInc nc.COM .COM WE WILL BUY YOUR CAR 1 ST TIME BUYERS PROGRAM 139 E. Main St., Forest City 828-245-4591 E & H MOTORCYCLE E & H MOTORCYCLE Sales & Service, Inc. Sales & Service, Inc. 122 MD Blanton Circle • Forest City, NC 28043 828-248-2971 • 9-6 Weekdays, 9-3 Saturday 206 Commercial Street Forest City, NC 28043 828-245-8801 800-260-8801 • Fax 828-245-4637 America's choice in floor fashions since 1958. Robbins PAINT & CARPET Jim Robbins HARRELSON FUNERAL HOME HARRELSON FUNERAL HOME One Call For Funeral & Cremation Services 1251 U.S. Hwy 221A 828-657-6383 Pre-arrangements • 100 % Service Guarantee Brakes • Batteries • Wheel Alignment Mufflers • Shocks • CV Joints • Oil Change Hwy. 74 By-Pass, Forest City 828-245-1997 Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. 8-1 OPEN 24/7 AT SISKFORD.COM 828-245-1626 828-245-1626 565 Oak Street, Forest City 565 Oak Street, Forest City CARS THAT FIT YOUR BUDGET 704-487-5520 tel/fax 1016 College Ave. (Hwy. 150) • Shelby, NC 28152 (Near Boiling Springs, NC) IMPORTS STEIBEL ED CHURCH STREET • 828-245-7274 CHURCH STREET • 828-245-7274 HWY 221-A • 828-657-5353 HWY 221-A • 828-657-5353 124 Fairhope St., Forest City RUTHERFORD CHAPEL Owner: Robert Morgan 704-300-2343 ATTENTION AREA PASTORS: Email your church photos & events to * Personal Classifi ed Ads Personal Classifi ed Ads Classifi ed Deadline is Tuesday 3pm for following Thursday's Edition Classifi ed Deadline is Tuesday 3pm for following Thursday's Edition Commercial/For Profi t Ads •Business Services •Child Care •Rental Ads and ALL For Profi t Ads! Based on 20 word limit per week - add 30¢ per word, per week over 20 $ 10 00 Per Week * $ 10 10 0 0 0 0 ONE WEEK Only * $ 13 13 0 0 TWO WEEKS Only * $ 15 15 0 0 0 0 THREE WEEKS Only Your classified ad runs in 4 papers! Your classified ad runs in 4 papers! WEEKLY RUTHERFORD --OR-- --OR-- YOU CAN POST YOUR AD AT YOU CAN POST YOUR AD AT YOU CAN ADD PHOTOS, ETC. -OR-- -OR-- CALL CALL 828-248-1408 828-248-1408 -OR-- -OR-- STOP BY STOP BY 157 W MAIN ST., FOREST CITY 157 W MAIN ST., FOREST CITY CAN ADD PHOTOS E CAN ADD PHOTOS E CAN ADD PHOTOS E Carolina Carolina CLASSIFIEDS .com February 24 What: Frankful Fridays- Free Hotdog Meal When: February 24; noon Where: Spindale United Methodist Church; 185 Mill St., Spindale More Info: We will be set up under the big oak tree next to the blessing box. March 4 What: Fundraiser Spaghetti Supper When: March 4; 4pm until Where: Thermal City Methodist Church; 301 Thermal City Rd., Union Mills More Info: Adults $10. Kids $5. Under 5, free. Take out available. Proceeds support the church. First Tuesday Monthly What: Redbird Food Pantry When: First Tuesday Every Month 3-5pm Where: Mountain Creek Baptist Church; 710 Mountain Creek Rd., Rutherfordton Ongoing Church Programs Hicks Grove Baptist Church Sundays 10am Sunday School, 11am & 6pm worship. Wed. 6pm Bible study & prayer meeting. 574 Hicks Grove Rd., Mooresboro. Pastor Brian Cole. 828-447- 6422. First United Methodist Church Live 9am Sunday. 264 N. Main St., Rutherfordton. 828-287-3704 Liberty Baptist Church Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 10:30am & 6pm. Wednesday 5:15pm– Youth Salt & Light Café open, 6pm Kid's Program/ AWANA, Bible Study 6:30pm. 821 Webb Rd., Ellenboro. Avondale United Methodist Church Sundays, 9:45am. Rev. Robert Hodgens. 2596 US Hwy. 221-A, Avondale. PO Box 266, Henrietta. Cane Creek Baptist Church Sunday School 9am. Worship 10am. Wednesday 6:30pm. 151 Cane Creek Mountain Rd., Union Mills. 828-286-2487. Forest City Church of God Sunday: 11am, Wednesday: 7pm. Pastor Sammy Crain. 238 Washington St., Forest City. Camp Creek Baptist Church Sunday School 10am. Worship 11am. Wednesday 6:30pm. 1801 Camp Creek Rd., Union Mills. 828-288-1554 Chase Baptist Church GPS; Grieving Parents Support Group. Helping people find their way after the loss of a child. Appt: 828-305-3619. All Souls Community Livestream services on All Souls Community's Facebook. 843-708-1033 Spindale United Methodist Church 10am Bible Study, 11am Worship. 185 Mill St., Spindale, 828-286-2281. 2nd & 4th Fridays- Free Hotdog meal. 3rd Wednesday- Free Community meal. Saving Grace Church Sunday Service: 11am. Casual dress. Withrow Road, Forest City. Henrietta First Baptist Church Thursdays 4:30-6:30pm after school tutor- ing for elementary-high school. Help with homework, school projects, exams, read- ing, writing, math etc. Qualified volunteers. Transportation available, depending on location. Info: Jamie 828-214-0966. In His Hands Independent Baptist Church Sunday School 10am, morning worship: 11am, evening: 6pm, Wednesday: 7pm. Pastor Donald White. 126 Hopewell Rd., Ellenboro. Epicenter Church Stream Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 7pm. LIVE: Facebook, Periscope, YouTube, & Dominion. tv, Countryside Dr., Forest City. http://www." The Church of the Exceptional Sunday service 11am. Everyone welcome. Transportation available. 828-657-5628 Southern Gospel Singing Every Tuesday night 6-7:30pm at Fat Tracy's, 1163 W. Main St., Forest City. Open mic. Bring your own instrument.

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