VEGAS INC Magazine - Latest Las Vegas business news, features and commentaries about gaming, tourism, real estate and more
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A U G U S T 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 / Y O U R b u s i n e s s - t o - b u s i n e s s w e e k ly SPECIAL FOCUS WHY GIVING IS GOOD BUSINESS This month, VEGAS INC highlights philanthropy in the business community. NEW UNLV MINOR COULD BOOST STATE ECONOMY AND CREATE JOBS LEILA NAVIDI ROLE MODEL: Charlie Mootz, from left, poses with James Swanson, 11, and his brother Donald Swanson, 17, in the Henderson Dunkin' Donuts franchise Mootz owns. Mootz has volunteered with the Boy Scouts of Southern Nevada since 2007 and has been a merit badge counselor since 2008. UNSUNG HEROES Six everyday people making a difference in others' lives T By Paul Takahashi staff writer UNLV is looking to the skies for its newest course of study: drones. The university plans to launch a minor degree program in unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, next spring. Advocates say the autonomous flying machines, which look like small planes or helicopters, represent a burgeoning opportunity for Nevada's job market. "We're trying to create a broadbased economy," said Doug van Aman, a regional director with Gov. Brian Sandoval's Office of Economic Development. "This is an exciting opportunity for Nevada students to participate in this new career field." Nevada has long pioneered the use of military drones, and the state is home to Creech Air Force Base, from which airmen piloted the Predator and Reaper drones in the Middle East. see DRONES, page 14 By VEGAS INC Staff hey use their time off from work to volunteer. They dedicate profits from their businesses to charities and schools. They create programs to better the community. ¶ These are some of the Las Vegas Valley's unsung heroes, the people who work under the radar to improve the lives of others. ¶ They may not have much time or money to donate, but they go above and beyond to do what they can to help. see VOLUNTEERS, page 16 INSIDE TODAY NEW HOUSING BUBBLE? | P. 7 Soaring prices and shrinking inventory may signal a second real estate bubble DATA AND RECORDS | P. 20 Bankruptcies, bid opportunities, brokered transactions and permits THE LIST | P. 22 Commercial property owners, by size Trusted for over 30 years by business owners and their families...the law firm to call for estate planning, probate and asset protection. 702.433.4455 ◆ Estate Planning ◆ Probate ◆ Wills ◆ Limited Liability Companies ◆ Asset Protection ◆ Family Limited Partnerships ◆ Succession Planning ◆ Guardianship ◆ Trust Administration ◆ Elder Law TRUST BANNER VEGAS INC.indd 1 20130812_VI01_F.indd 1 3/7/13 10:07 AM 8/8/13 2:10:39 PM