Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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With a common goal to build the Rutherford County "community stronger together" several hundred people gathered Sunday for a worship service at R-S Central High School. The "Stronger Together" service included nearly a dozen church congregations gathered for the purpose of promoting unity among the communities of Rutherford County. The congregation was fi lled with people from different denominations, economic status, political parties, and races; but all were gathered to worship God as one people, one faith, one body in Christ. Dr. In-Yong Lee, pastor at First United Methodist Church in Rutherfordton and coordinator of the service, said she is excited to see the growing enthusiasm and support for these efforts. "Stronger Together services are important, because they offer a space for Black, White, and all other Christians in our area to worship and fellowship together at least twice a year," she said. "It is my hope that through these multi-racial, multi-denominational worship services, we may actively and intentionally fi nd more and more ways to cooperate, so that we can build our community really stronger together," In-Yong Lee said. Dr. Tim Marsh, former pastor of the First Baptist Church, Rutherfordton, used the theme, "Us and Them," as he delivered the morning message. "When we use the pronoun 'us,' who might be included in this circle?," Marsh began. "Perhaps we use this pronoun to name our family, our church, our school, our favorite team or even our nation," 'Us' implies that we belong to a group, a group with which we share commonalities. 'Us' also implies the existence of a 'them' 'Us' implies belonging, while 'them' implies exclusion. While 'us' and 'them' can be used in seemingly harmless ways, historically, when it comes to matters of race, nationality, and socio-economic class, applications of 'us' and 'them' have proven to be demeaning, oppressive, even deadly." Marsh said, "Yet the theme Stronger Together implies that when we allow God to redefi ne 'us' to include "persons from every tribe and language and people and nation" we become an 'us' whose only existence is for the glory of God and the good of 'them' - whoever they happen to be." He quoted African American Pastor and Professor Dr. Robert Smith who said, "we don't just need corporate repentance; we need individual repentance. It is easier to stand behind a group, but it is more diffi cult to say 'I need to repent, and I am going to be an ambassador of reconciliation myself.'" Continued on page 3. ISSUE NO. 5 • February 2, 2023 ISSUE NO. 5 • February 2, 2023 • • • 828-248-1408 • 828-248-1408 131 East Main Street, Forest City 828-744-3914 Store Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7am-6pm Fri. & Sat.7am-7pm • Sun. 9am-3pm ©Community First Media Community First Media •Motorcycles, 4 Wheelers •Golf Carts •Quick, Easy Cash Loans •Quality Merchandise •Best Prices: Gold, Silver, Diamonds •Large Selection Home Appliances •Layaways •Much, Much More B&D'S THRIFT & LOAN THRIFT & LOAN 596 S. Broadway St., Forest City 828-245-3551 Mon-Fri 8-5:45 • Sat 8:30-4 Major Credit Cards Accepted Your Valentine's Day Headquarters! Large selection of jewelry! Very low prices! Gifts for him or her! Gathering as one people, Gathering as one people, one faith, one body in Christ one faith, one body in Christ Our 31 st Year • Over 25,000 Weekly Readers Article by Jean Gordon. Photos Contributed. Stronger Together service brings hundreds for worship The Stronger Together service on Sunday at R-S Central High School opened with prayer by Dr. Garin Hill. "Today, let's celebrate how far we've come. Let's rejoice in the strides that have been made. Let's rekindle the widening of 'us.' But may we never rest on our laurels, as the goal is yet to be achieved," Dr. Tim Marsh. Win W S U P E R GA M E S U P E R GA M E C O N T E ST ! C O N T E ST ! $ 100 100 SEE BACK PAGE! SEE BACK PAGE!