Today's Entertainment

December 25, 2022

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Brainerd Dispatch • December 25 - 31, 2022 •11 "___ ANGRY MEN" DAYS OF CHRIST- MAS DECEMBER DONUTS DOZENAL EGGS FACE CARDS HALF DOZEN HALVED HORO- SCOPES HOURS HUES INCHES JURORS LONG DOZEN MAGNESIUM MONTHS "OCEAN'S TWELVE" OLYMPIANS ROSES "THE AENEID" THIRDS TITANS "TWELVE MONKEYS" TWELVE- PACK ZODIAC Twelve Days of Dozens From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION ($389 VALUE)! 218-203-5557 – ONLY 20 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE • NO SURGERY • NO MEDICATIONS • NO STEROIDS ...IS THE MOST COMMON HOLIDAY WISH FOR PATIENTS WHO COME INTO OUR BAXTER CLINIC LOOKING FORALKDFJALF "I wish I wasn't in pain all the time" relief. OUR KNEE PAIN RELIEF PROGRAM CONSISTS OF: Many of our patients report feeling total relief from popping, grinding, and "bone-on-bone" knee pain, without being pushed towards surgery or taking harmful medications. By combining recent medical breakthroughs with proven treatment protocols, we're getting more of our patients better, faster than ever before. Our goal at Minnesota Regenerative Institute is to gain back the freedom and pain-free lifestyle our patients used to enjoy. Dr. Dillon Remmick, DC Dr. Aaron Antony, DC Dr. Troy Storlie, DC ChiropraCtiC physiCians 7818 Excelsior Road, Suite 100 | Baxter, MN 56425 Kasi Zack, APRN, FNP-C

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