Shelby Shopper Shelby NC
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704-484-1047 Our 39th Year • Issue No. 51 • December 22, 2022 Closing Closing at 2 pm at 2 pm Christmas Christmas Eve! Eve! Ora Ora SUPER SUPERMARKET MARKET & BROAD RIVER HAMS & BROAD RIVER HAMS ONLY ONLY $ 6 99 99 each each 1026 EAST MARION ST., SHELBY, NC WE ACCEPT EBT, SNAP, FOOD STAMPS, DEBIT 704-487-4377 WWW.ORASUPERMARKET.COM Like Us On Facebook! BACON WRAPPED FILETS BACON WRAPPED FILETS NOW THROUGH NOW THROUGH SATURDAY • SATURDAY • DEC DEC. 31 . 31 ST ST HRS: 8AM-6PM MON-.SAT. Our 80 Our 80 th th Year! Year! Totally Free Clothes Store clothes giveaway like Christmas all year long! by MICHAEL E. POWELL CF Media Melanie Burr and the volunteers of the Totally Free Clothes Store in Shelby (located at 1515 S. Lafayette Street) celebrate Christmas's spirit of giving all year round. And they are more than happy to show you around their store where they give away 15 free items per month per person, all to help folks who have found themselves in need of clothing, shoes, coats, or other items they might need to get back on their feet. It is their way of blessing people during the holidays and be- yond. The store is open, said Ms. Burr, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. She noted their small hand-out sheets at the door state, "We have clothes for all genders and we accept donations of clothes, shoes, purses, and coats for all ages." Melanie and that morning's volun- teers, JoAnn Tomlin and Kay Allen, were busily helping out a handful of people who came out in the rain to take advantage of the clothing give- away. Melanie's husband, Mark, is also a volunteer, and she smiles as she calls him her "ghost volunteer." "He's sort of the muscle and helps get the items moved from where we get them, including any larger furni- ture items that are given to us," she noted, adding that some families, especially those who may have been burned out, are in need of not only clothing and such, but also of certain items in order to try and start over in their lives. As for the 15 items giveaway, Melanie said she and her fellow store workers keep track of what has been given out every month and to whom via sign-in sheets. Burr said the store was originally the brainchild of Shelby attorney Paul Ditz, who, in 2017, sometimes had to self-fund an occa- sional client's wardrobe from Goodwill in order for them to be able to make a court ap- pearance. Many of them liked the suits or clothes he got for them, she said, asked him if they could keep them, and the idea for the store eventually sprouted from that. "The store originally was in his office in Uptown Shelby," she noted. "It was hard for some people to get to it so they moved to this location.' One look around and it's easy to see they are, even now, outgrowing their small store, and they are praying for God's will to be done. "Some big, positive changes are coming up in the near future, so keep praying for us," she said. Their current store is 1,200 square feet and Burr said, "(We are) full! We get toys, books, and of course, clothes. Lots and lots of clothes!" The store has had yard sales, a Holiday Mar- ket, and bake sales. Melanie said all money that comes in goes to the store and to pay their utilities. No one takes a salary or gets a paycheck. "Donations – monetary or in cloth- ing and such – are welcome!" said Melanie. Burr is a retired nurse (20 years) and has worked in all facets of Cleve- land County health care (hospital, home health, wound care, etc.) and says, while she misses some aspects of her profession, she is happy doing what she does today – helping folks heal and go forward, just in a differ- ent way. Their Board of Directors consists of herself, Rev. Jimmy Black, Tracy Easter, Sandy Quattlebaum, and Steve Padgett. In addition to Burr and the two ladies who were there last week, Melanie said Debra Mellon helps with volunteering as well as other duties, especially while Burr is out of town or otherwise occupied. Said Burr, "The need is so great for what we do. We give away be- tween 1,500 to 1,800 clothing items a week! We pray with and for people. We try to help with their needs where they are at." If anyone has a need or any ques- tions about the clothes giveaways, Melanie said to call the store at (704) 692-2389, or email them at ma- You can also visit their Facebook page at Totally Free Clothes Store. Totally Free Clothes Store is staffed by volunteers. With store owner and director, Melanie Burr (far right) are volunteers Kay Allen and JoAnn Tomlin. (photos by MEP/CF Media) Looking over some of the items on the clothing racks at Shelby's Totally Free Clothes Store, is store owner and lead volunteer Melanie Burr (right) and volunteer, JoAnn Tomlin. The Totally Free Clothes Store offers their free clothes (15 items per person per month) giveaway every Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m., to 4 p.m. The are located at 1515 S. Lafayette Street, Shelby next to Food Lion. Our Offi ce Will Be Closed Thursday & Friday, Dec. 22-23