
September 2022

NewsBeat is a newsaper industry publication by the NY Press Association.

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September 2022 NewsBeat 2 CLIP & SAVE A NEWSLETTER FOR NEW YORK'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Published by the New York Press Association 621 Columbia Street Ext., Suite 100, Cohoes, NY 12047 518.464.6483 • 518.464.6489 fax • Editors - Michelle K. Rea and Judy Patrick Mark your calendar Thursday, September 22 Wolferts Roost Country Club, Albany Golf Tournament 8 a.m. Tennis 10 a.m. Lunch 1 p.m. NYPA Board of Directors meeting 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday, September 23 & 24 Fall Publishers' Conference Hampton Inn, Albany NewsBeat By JUDY PATRICK Newsrooms became valuable classrooms for this summer's NYPA interns T hey covered protests, political campaigns, art exhibits, rising gas prices, fairs and festivals. In short, the 13 students in the New York Press Association's annual internship program experienced what it was really like to be a reporter for a local newspaper this summer. The program, run by The NYPA Foun- dation, comes with a much-appreciated stipend of $2,600. Most other journalism internship programs offer experience but little if any compensation, a substantial hardship for many students. Newspapers from different parts of the state - from the Southern Tier to the North Country to Long Island and New York City – participated this year. The interns them- selves had varied backgrounds and levels of experience. In their evaluations of the program, many of the interns noted they had learned more during their short time with their newspapers than they had in their classrooms. NYPA begins accepting application for its summer internship program each year in February. For more information, visit ternships/. Here, in their own words, are a few of the comments we received from the 2022 class of interns: "I liked the internship because I felt like the paper trusted me to go off and write ar- ticles and I produced articles I liked, rather than some internships where you don't feel like you're contributing in a meaningful way." "My editors were fantastic -- they encour- aged and supported me with challenging assignments, made a conscious effort to make sure I was continuously learning, and offered valuable feedback where I needed it the most." ."I really enjoyed writing heartwarming pieces and seeing the positive impact it had on the community. I met some wonderful people, who were so appreciative to be fea- tured in the paper, and that reassured me I was in the right profession. It was amazing to see the joy people got from the articles, especially those who were interviewed. " "I like working right in the newsroom and getting to come into the office each day. It felt like I was actually working at the office. I was treated with a lot of respect and all of the editors worked with me at some point." "One of the most important aspects of this experience was learning how a news- room works. How are stories chosen? How do you pitch a good story? How do you turn around copy quickly? Those are all things that I can't learn at J-School and needed to experience first hand. " "From writing articles to covering events to learning the distribution and circulation of the paper, I have gotten a lot of experi- ence from this internship." "Even though I was just an intern, I felt like a valued member of the newspaper staff. " "I have also learned to place importance on any story, no matter how small it may seem." "This opportunity has taught me about what it feels like to be a journalist and I've learned valuable skills from my editor and co-workers. Thank you so much for the chance to try reporting." "This experience has taught me many valuable lessons that I could not have learned in the classroom. I also was given the chance to network and meet many peo- ple in my field. They all gave me great ad- vice that I can take with me back to school. I'm so excited to use the skills I learned through my internship in my studies." "Going forward, I feel like I have a better understanding of what a local news orga- nization looks like day-to-day, and that will allow me to really consider what I want to do more clearly." "I gained valuable experience in plan- ning, storyboarding and writing for doc- umentaries and journalism in general. I applied the knowledge I had from my school courses, however this internship gave me hands on experience in the field."

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