Today's Entertainment

November 27, 2022

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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12 • November 27 - December 3, 2022 • Brainerd Dispatch formally announce his presidential campaign on Nov. 14. No word yet on his choice for VP or first lady. The New York City marathon was held yesterday, and Kenyan runner Evans Chebet was the men's champion with a time of two hours, eight minutes and 41 seconds. Two hours, eight minutes and 41 seconds: the fastest anyone has ever gotten from Staten Island to Central Park. every candidate running for president. Jimmy Kimmel Live! Even Oprah, who made Dr. Oz, endorsed his opponent, John Fetterman. ... Poor Dr. Oz. If he wins, he's gonna actually have to move to Pennsylvania. I don't know if he knows this. I have a big announcement to make, and that is I am hosting the Oscars in March. ... This will be my third time hosting the show. I've already started making a list of whose names I should keep out of my effing mouth. You know, you can't be too careful. Late Night With Seth Meyers Former president Trump is reportedly planning to day left to regular vote then two whole years to just kick back and freak out about the presidential election. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Here in New York City [Nov. 7], the temperature was up in the high 70s. ... Usually when you hear "November" and "mid-70s," it's about Sudoku Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution below The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Over the weekend, [Elon] Musk fired half of Twitter's staff, around 3,700 people. Now that may sound drastic, but come on, it's Elon Musk, the guy clearly knows what he's doing. Someone had to make the decision — and now Twitter is asking some fired workers to please come back. The midterm elections are, what, five days away. That means there are only four days left to early vote, one Late Laughs SATURDAY'S SOLUTION FRIDAY'S SOLUTION Now hiring Cooks, Dietary Aids and HHAs. Truth Lutheran Church 501 Kingwood Street, Brainerd, MN (Corner of 5th & Kingwood) An LCMC Congregation Lutheran Congregation in Mission for Christ SUNDAY WORSHIP 9 AM Christmas Eve Service 5PM Your Hometown Full Service Jewelry Ste Family Owned and Operated Since 1984 AmericanFamilyMutualInsuranceCompany,S.I.andItsOperatingCompanies,American FamilyInsuranceCompany,AmericanFamilyLifeInsuranceCompany,6000AmericanParkway, Madison,WI53783 010996–Rev.7/17©2015–15974177 Finnegan&Associates,Inc. ShannonFinnegan,Agent 406WWashingtonStSte4 Brainerd,MN56401 (218)829-3040 HOME|AUTO|LIFE|BUSINESS|FARM&RANCH AMFAM.COM 24-HOURCLAIMSREPORTING&CUSTOMERSERVICE1-800-MYAMFAM(692-6326) LETUSHELPPROTECTYOURDREAMS. Hours: Mon-Sat 9-5 • Hwy. 210 W, Aitkin (218) 927-6446 • Tools • Furniture • Housewares • Gifts • New Inventory Arriving Weekly 25,000 Sq. Ft. To Shop From Serving the Lakes Area for Over 30 Years CROW WING AUTO BODY Complete Collision Repair & Towing South Patriot Ave, Pequot Lakes 568-4343 formally announce his presidential campaign on Nov. 14. No word yet on his choice for VP or first lady. The New York City marathon was held yesterday, and Kenyan runner Evans Chebet was the men's champion with a time of two hours, eight minutes and 41 seconds. Two hours, eight minutes and 41 seconds: the fastest anyone has ever gotten from Staten Island to Central Park. every candidate running for president. Jimmy Kimmel Live! Even Oprah, who made Dr. Oz, endorsed his opponent, John Fetterman. ... Poor Dr. Oz. If he wins, he's gonna actually have to move to Pennsylvania. I don't know if he knows this. I have a big announcement to make, and that is I am hosting the Oscars in March. ... This will be my third time hosting the show. I've already started making a list of whose names I should keep out of my effing mouth. You know, you can't be too careful. Late Night With Seth Meyers Former president Trump is reportedly planning to day left to regular vote then two whole years to just kick back and freak out about the presidential election. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Here in New York City [Nov. 7], the temperature was up in the high 70s. ... Usually when you hear "November" and "mid-70s," it's about Sudoku Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Solution below The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Over the weekend, [Elon] Musk fired half of Twitter's staff, around 3,700 people. Now that may sound drastic, but come on, it's Elon Musk, the guy clearly knows what he's doing. Someone had to make the decision — and now Twitter is asking some fired workers to please Late Laughs

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