Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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As hearts are more tender during this season, people in Rutherford County have a number of opportunities to help those in need. Among programs to make sure children have gifts for Christmas is through the Marine Corps League's Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army's Christmas Cheer Center here in Rutherford County. Food pantries also collect Christmas gifts and other donations to help clients who usually come weekly or monthly for food boxes. The Department of Social Services, churches, civic groups, individuals and businesses across the county also help those in need during the season. Toys for Tots gift boxes are placed in strategic places around the county allowing easy access for people who want to provide Christmas toys and gifts for children birth to 12 years old. Already this year the number of people requesting assistance for children has exceeded this time last year, "The number is way up," said Marine Bill (Gunny) Swope who was at the Marine Corps League headquarters recently. Linda Cote, a four year volunteer with Toys for Tots, continues to work at the headquarters each day during the season to help box toys for the children. "I love it," she said. She is married to Marine Bill Cote and they moved to the county a few years ago and discovered Toys for Tots. Marine Cote also volunteers when he can. Marine Troy Stanley who coordinates the Toys for Tots said, "We're currently at 496 kids. We're seeing a huge uptick in applicants new to the program. I think with infl ation where it is, we'll reach 900 plus kids. "We will be buying different age categories beginning Monday as we exhaust our current inventory," he added. For assistance in completing the application form to get on the list, people can visit their headquarters on Trade Street in Forest City or call Stanley at 828-447- 8526. Distribution of the toys will be on December 17 and December 17 at the headquarters. All toys should be at the headquarters by Friday, December 9. At the Salvation Army Thrift Store offi ce in Forest City, Social Worker Norma Murphy said the Christmas tree angels have also been placed in stores and areas across the county. People who see the angel names are encouraged to choose an angel and fi ll the Christmas wish list. Each angel has the age and gender of the child and the wish list. There are also Salvation army Christmas stockings that need to be stuffed for Rutherford County children. Stockings and angel gifts and winter gloves or hats are also suggested for infants to age 12 for both girls and boys. The stockings and the angel trees should be returned to the Salvation Army store as soon as possible. This year's distribution center will be in Rutherfordton at the former Fred's building off Charlotte Road. Suggested stocking stuffers include items for infants, toddlers, ages 3-5; ages 6-9 and ages 10-12. Items can include all things needed for infants such as shampoo, baby oil, sleepers, onesies, bibs, blankets, diapers, etc. Toddler gifts can include socks, hats, mittens, small stuffed animals, books; young children- small books, Matchbox cars, hair barrettes, toothbrush, underwear, socks, gloves etc. Continued On Page 3. ISSUE NO. 47 • November 23, 2022 ISSUE NO. 47 • November 23, 2022 • • • 828-248-1408 • 828-248-1408 Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:45 • Sat. 8:30-4:00 596 South Broadway St., Forest City 828-245-3551 NEW SHIPMENT ATV'S NEW SHIPMENT ATV'S See Us For All Your • Jewelry • Tools • Electronics • Game Systems • Motorcycles • ATVs • Musical Instruments B&D'S B&D'S THRIFT & LOAN THRIFT & LOAN LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! LAY AWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! Large Selection of Appliances • 30 Day Warranty! WE NOW OFFER JEWELRY REPAIR! ©Community First Media Community First Media N.C. TRACTOR & FARM SUPPLY 299 Railroad Ave., Rutherfordton • 828-288-0395 Mobile: 828-429-5008 • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! PROUDLY SERVING RUTHERFORD, CLEVELAND, GASTON, LINCOLN, POLK COUNTIES AS THE AREAS HOMETOWN MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER. Great Selection Great Selection Story and photos by Jean Gordon. Making the holiday season Making the holiday season brighter for children and families brighter for children and families Our 30 th Year • Over 25,000 Weekly Readers Norma Murphy with a Christmas stocking for stuffi ng stands beside a Christmas angel tree at the Salvation Army. The United States Marines donated thousands of books for the Toys for Tots program across the country. All monetary and gift donations in Rutherford County go to a Rutherford County child. Volunteer Linda Cote packs a stuffed animal in a gift box. Chuck Foster ringing bells at Hobby Lobby in Spindale. Other bell ringers are needed throughout the season. One million lights The Town of Forest City will host its annual Thanksgiving Day Christmas lighting ceremony beginning at 6:30pm November 24. The ceremony will feature live music, a guest to switch on the more than one million lights and plenty of time for shopping downtown. For the other holiday and Christmas events, check inside today's Rutherford Weekly. -Contributed photo