Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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Emarie Mayse was concerned about the hungry people in the community and asked her grandmother if they could put food in the blessing box at Florence Baptist Church, where she attends with her family. Emarie is a little girl with a heart for helping the hungry. She is like a lot of other children, youth and adults across Rutherford County who are involved in a blessing box ministry at churches and in the communities to help feed those who are hungry. In Rutherford County there are 3,310 food insecure children and a total 10,400 food insecure people. Blessings Boxes are placed in different areas of the county as ways to help feed the hungry. Among locations of Blessing Boxes are at the Church of God, Washington Street, Forest City; First Baptist, Forest City; near Rutherford Regional Medical Center at the Ruff'ton Roots garden area; Providence United Methodist Church; Southern Baptist, in Ruth; The Barn off Highway 74 B, Forest City; Spindale United Methodist Church and near the Thermal Belt Rail Trail near Spindale. Spindale United Methodist Church sponsors two Blessing Boxes. One is on the church property off Main Street in Spindale and the second box is near McDonald's in Spindale adjacent to the parking area, near the Therma Bet Rail Trail. "We built the fi rst box in response to the many homeless and hungry people within walking distance of our church," pastor Eric Marshburn said earlier this year. The overwhelming response to the box just reinforced what we suspected; that the need is there and we should respond to it." When the second blessing box was put up, the church expressed their hope that members of both Spindale and Rutherfordton would take ownership of the boxes and together fi ght hunger. The boxes were designed and built by Charles and Jeanette Crain. The First Baptist Church in Forest City began the "Little Free Pantry" (LFP) ministry in memory of Cindy Campbell in April of 2018 and has been providing food there for the past four years. The LFP is a small food safety net that can be accessed at any time by anyone. The motto- which was painted by the children of the church, reads, "Take what you need. Give what you can." If people want to help they bring food. If in need, people are asked to take food. There are no questions asked. Some individuals who utilize pantries across the county do not have access to a kitchen, so any non-perishable food items are welcomed. Some who visit pantries are homeless. They do not have means to cook, or even to open cans. A single can of soup can be a blessing to a hungry family, said a spokesperson at First Baptist. Every day, church members as well as community members stop by to put donations in, and most donations are picked up by a neighbor in need within less than a day. "The food goes in and the food goes out," said church secretary Laura Link. "Love your neighbor as yourself," said Rev. Tonya Garrison, children's minister at Florence Baptist. "A blessing box is a tangible way for Florence Baptist Church to love its neighbor. By having a blessing box, we are making food available for those in need and giving an opportunity for our church members and community to 'love your neighbor'. Can you imagine a community where we love our neighbor? I can because I live in one. That too is a blessing." Continued on page 21. ISSUE NO. 45 • November 10, 2022 ISSUE NO. 45 • November 10, 2022 • • • 828-248-1408 • 828-248-1408 N.C. TRACTOR & FARM SUPPLY 299 Railroad Ave., Rutherfordton • 828-288-0395 Mobile: 828-429-5008 • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! PROUDLY SERVING RUTHERFORD, CLEVELAND, GASTON, LINCOLN, POLK COUNTIES AS THE AREAS HOMETOWN MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER. Great Selection Great Selection Blessing Boxes are there to help feed the hungry; and feed the souls of those giving Story by Jean Gordon; photos by Jean Gordon and contributed. Take what you need; give what you can Take what you need; give what you can Our 30 th Year • Over 25,000 Weekly Readers IN GOD WE TRUST! IN GOD WE TRUST! Providence Church Blessing Box - Take What you Need and Be Blessed. This is one of the Blessing Boxes sponsored by the Spindale United Methodist Church. Southern Baptist Church, Ruth. "Take What You Need, Leave What You Can." An arrow points to the Blessing Box at Forest City Church of God.