Tehama - The Magazine

Fall 2022

Tehama - The Magazine - Red Bluff Daily News

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1482053

Contents of this Issue


Page 23 of 23

24 TEHAMA THE MAGAZINE, October 2022 CelebrateHope Our doctors pride themselves on off ering patient-centered care comprised of compassion, accessibility and kindness delivered with the best treatment available. They utilize the most advanced radiation techniques and have experience with both common and rare cancers. F I G H T C A N C E R W I T H V A L O R VALOR ONCOLOGY 923 Dana Dr., Redding CA 96003 530-500-CARE or 530-900-4000 Fax: 530-900-4444 • www.valor.org 1700 Esplanade Ave., Chico CA 95926 530-691-5920 Fax: 530-691-5922 • www.valor.org Dr. Douglas Matthews Dr. Matthews completed his residency in General Surgery at the University of Utah and a fellowship in Colorectal Surgery. He continues to support the community as a volunteer fi refi ghter. Dr. Matthews sees patients in both our Redding and Chico locations. Dr. Harry Lomas IV Dr. Lomas completed his residency training in Radiation Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University. He has co- authored journal articles and abstracts, and has presented his research. He has served in the US Army and has multiple combat deployments with Special Operations Forces. Dr. Erik Stickney Dr. Stickney received his Radiation Oncology residency training at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He is a US Army Veteran and received a Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan. He strives to answer questions, present options, and provide customized care. Dr. Matthew W. Allen Dr. Allen is a graduate of Harvard Medical School. He is a board-certified Radiation Oncologist and completed his residency training at the top ranked cancer center in the country, MD Anderson Cancer Center. He is experienced in the latest radiation treatment modalities.

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