Diversity Rules Magazine

September 2022

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1477866

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THE ORACLE returns this month with a new visual for "Cloud 9 Angel", the final chapter of their debut EP Lost Amulet. The track is magical, dreamy, ethe- real; it celebrates the abundance of nature by offer- ing a moment of surreal escapism. Reflec ng on the fantas cal whimsy of the song, THE ORACLE and co- director Laura Weyl @metametagasm shot its visual in several iconic NYC loca ons including the Brook- lyn Botanical Garden, and on the historic carousel in Prospect Park. "We aimed to capture the crystal desert, a beau - ful place of dreams, in the visual," THE ORACLE ex- plains. "When I think of the crystal desert, I think of Brian Froud's Faerie realm, the sandscapes in the sci fi classic Dune, as well as the hallucinatory visual landscapes of the liquid planet in Solaris. The crys- tal desert can be a wondrous place, but it is also treacherous with danger lurking in hidden corners. It is best to travel over it securely with a loved one at your side." "Cloud 9 Angel" is one of the six tracks on THE ORA- CLE's debut EP from August 2021, Lost Amulet. In the album, the nonbinary queer femme ar st blends a love of poetry with soaring vocals, a futuris c sound, and deeply emo onal narra ves. "Cloud 9 Angel" stands apart from the other moody tracks on the EP due to the hopeless roman cism and naivete of the lyrics and sound. No other track on the EP features the bouncy glitches, progressive drums, and soar- ing melodies that carries this track."Cloud 9 Angel was wri en while a friend and I were on crystal cave 4 | Diversity Rules Magazine | Sept 2022 The Oracle Returns New visual releases for "Cloud 9 Angel," the final chapter of their debut EP entitled, "Lost Amulet." All Photos By: Laura Weyl @ metametagasm

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