Faces of Fayetteville

Faces of Fayetteville 2022

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC - Faces of Fayetteville

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1477053

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2022-2023 CityView's FACES of FAYETTEVILLE 19 THE FACE OF FIT BODY BOOT CAMP David and Dinah Goodman For David and Dinah Goodman, military service is a family tradition. David retired after 22 years in the Army as an air traffic controller. Dinah served in the Army, first in administration and then in counterintelligence. She later joined the Navy and retired after 20 years. She initially worked with the Navy Seabees and later served as an instructor/facilitator. Service came naturally to the couple. Both of their fathers served in the Army. As military "brats,'' they traveled to different locations throughout their parents' service. The two also traveled during their own military careers. Throughout their youth and time in the military, the couple enjoyed being active in physical fitness, playing sports such as soccer, football, volleyball, water polo, gymnastics and anything that required movement and fun. It was only natural that they should open a gym and fitness studio to help others pursue their health and vitality. Boone Trail Fit Body Boot Camp was established in 2019. It provides nutritional, fitness and wellness information and a safe environment to get in shape. Women and men of all fitness levels experience the head-turning body transformations they desire with high-intensity, interval training group workouts. The key to success is in the signature Afterburn workouts, support and motivation from world-class coaches, and an easy-to-follow nutrition program to help keep the fat off. 910-889-1155, 3039 Boone Trail Extension Suite 100 Fayetteville, NC 28304, boonetrailfitbodybootcamp.com/Fitness Photo by Tony Wooten

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