El Nacional de Oklahoma

August 11th, 2022

Esta es la edición semanal de el periódico El Nacional de Oklahoma. Subscríbete y obtenla sin costo alguno

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China anunció que interrumpió la coope- ración con Estados Unidos en varios niveles, incluido el diálogo entre mandos militares, y sancionó a la presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes estadounidense, Nancy Pelo- si, en represalia por su visita a Taiwán. El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores con- sideró que la líder demócrata "inter!rió en los asuntos internos de la A-4 CONTINÚA El ex embajador de Estados Unidos en México, Tony Garza, ve muy poco proba- ble que el gobierno mexicano entregue en extradición al narcotra!cante Rafael Caro Quintero, pese a que el gobierno norteame- ricano inició las gestiones de manera inme- diata, luego que se concretó su captura el pasado 15 de julio. Tony Garza apuntó en un análisis de su consultora White & Case, que Caro Quinte- ro representa una !gura EL NACIONAL DE OKLAHOMA I N G O D W E T R U S T E N D I O S C O N F I A M O S El Nacional POLÍTICA POLÍTICA Gala Montes revela que casi fue vetada del medio. ElNacionaldeOK GRATIS www.elnacionaldeoklahoma.com Jueves 11 de Agosto 2022 DEPORTES C5 ESPECTÁCULOS A6 RITMO DE OK B1 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Misión Misión Misión Misión Misión Misión Misión Misión Misión Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especi Especial Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Excelente Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento Momento IRIS MÁRQUEZ NOTICIAS@ELNACIONALMEDIA.COM A-4 CONTINÚA China cortó el diálogo militar con Estados Unidos y sancionó a Nancy Pelosi por visita a Taiwán. Payasito Tito y su gran misión en la sociedad. Henry Martín justifica su llegada al "TRI". NACIÓN Se queda quintero El Consulado de México en Little Rock informó que el Embajador Carlos Ignacio Giralt Cabrales, dio inicio a su gestión como Cónsul Titular de dicha o!cina, que tiene como circunscripción el estado de Arkansas, el este de Oklahoma y el oeste de Tennessee, donde residen más de 650 mil mexicanos. El Embajador Carlos Ignacio Giralt Cabrales, es oriundo de la Ciudad de Méxi- co. Estudió la Licenciatura en Economía en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, titulandose en 1988 con la tesis "Aportacio- nes Prácticas para el Análisis y Consulta en Materia de Estadística Consular". Entre 1990 y 1991 concluyó el Curso de Formación Diplomática en el Instituto Matías Romero de REDACCIÓN LOCAL NOTICIAS@ELNACIONALMEDIA.COM El Embajador Carlos Ignacio Giralt Cabrales, es nombrado Cónsul Titular del Consulado de México en Little Rock. COMUNIDAD Reafirma compromiso Efecto Pelosi A-4 CONTINÚA Chevrolet Silverado Chevrolet Spark Chevrolet Traverse Chevrolet Silverado 405.600.6825 • 614 SW 74th OKC • www.davidstanleychevrolet.com SW 29 SW 29 SW 29 th th th y May y May y May ✔ Grandes Ahorros ✔ Los Mejores Precios TAQUERIA PANADERIA FRUTERIA SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET MILDRED BUENO NOTICIAS@ELNACIONALMEDIA.COM MÉXICO Actriz Actriz Actriz Actriz Actriz Actriz Actriz Actriz Vet Vet Vet Vet Vet Vet Vet Vet Vet Vetada México no entregará pronto a Rafael Caro Quintero a Estados Unidos consideró Tony Garza.

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