El Nacional de Oklahoma

August 4th, 2022

Esta es la edición semanal de el periódico El Nacional de Oklahoma. Subscríbete y obtenla sin costo alguno

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Las elecciones para el Congreso de Movi- miento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) crearon controversia en la opinión pública debido a los disturbios y presuntos actos de acarreo o inducción de voto durante la jor- nada. Aunque varios simpatizantes del guin- da salieron a desmentir los hechos o incluso adjudicarlos a la oposición, A-4 CONTINÚA La economía de EE.UU. se contrajo por segundo trimestre consecutivo entre abril y junio de este año, según mostraron datos del gobierno, lo que alimentó los temores de recesión apenas unos meses antes de las elecciones de mitad de mandato en un duro golpe para el presidente Joe Biden. El producto interno bruto disminu- yó a una tasa anual del 0,9 por ciento en el segundo trimestre, luego de una caída mayor en los pri- EL NACIONAL DE OKLAHOMA I N G O D W E T R U S T E N D I O S C O N F I A M O S El Nacional POLÍTICA POLÍTICA A Chuy Lizarraga no le gusta cantar corridos. ElNacionaldeOK GRATIS www.elnacionaldeoklahoma.com Jueves 4 de Agosto 2022 DEPORTES C7 ESPECTÁCULOS A6 RITMO DE OK B1 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Oklahoma's #1 Hispanic Newspaper Since 1988 Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Premio Latino tino tino tino tino tino Vence Vence Vence Vence Vence Vence Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra Inglaterra MILDRED BUENO NOTICIAS@ELNACIONALMEDIA.COM A-4 CONTINÚA Pese a "insultos, empujones y cacheteos", AMLO negó que la violencia marcó las elecciones de Morena. Reconocen a jóvenes latinos de Oklahoma. Equipo femenil de Inglaterra gana la Eurocopa. MÉXICO Posible recesión Un gran número de familias hispanas se dieron cita en la Iglesia Pueblo de Dios en la ciudad de Norman, Oklahoma, para parti- cipar en el primer Taller para Familias His- panas: El camino a la Universidad, dirigido por Latinas WIN (Mujeres Latinas en Nor- man, por sus siglas en inglés) que tienen como misión comunicar los recursos dentro del sistema educativo, fundamentales para el éxito familiar. El taller informativo se realizó el día 2 de agosto alrededor de las 6:30 de la tarde, donde las familias tuvieron la oportunidad de escuchar a personas de nuestra comuni- dad que son ejemplo de superación, deter- minación y profesionalismo, y que a pesar de los diversos obstácu- JOSUÉ RAMOS NOTICIAS@ELNACIONALMEDIA.COM Latinas WIN realizó en la ciudad de Norman un taller de información educativa para familias hispanas. COMUNIDAD COMUNIDAD A FAVOR DE LA EDUCACIón Niega realidad A-4 CONTINÚA Chevrolet Silverado Chevrolet Spark Chevrolet Traverse Chevrolet Silverado 405.600.6825 • 614 SW 74th OKC • www.davidstanleychevrolet.com SW 29 SW 29 SW 29 th th th y May y May y May ✔ Grandes Ahorros ✔ Los Mejores Precios TAQUERIA PANADERIA FRUTERIA SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET IRIS MÁRQUEZ NOTICIAS@ELNACIONALMEDIA.COM NACIÓN Un grupo de profesionales apasionados por la educación motivan a las familias a seguir luchando por los sueños académicos de sus hijos. Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Reafirm firm firm firm firm firm firma Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postur Postura La economía de Estados Unidos se contrajo 0.9% en el segundo trimestre del año.

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