Rutherford Weekly

June 23, 2022

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Most children enjoy summer camp and this year in Rutherford County the consensus from one group of campers is no different. Among the fi rst camps of the season was held recently at the Grahamtown Center in Forest City. The fi fth year of the summer camp did not disappoint and was amazing, said director Kisha McDowell. Camp wrapped up on Friday, June 17 with water games for campers. Running through sprinklers and tossing water fi lled balloons was defi nitely a hit. Children ages 8 to 15 participated in the annual day camp with the older teens assisting the younger children as directed by McDowell. There were three components to camp — gardening, culinary and technology. One of the highlights of the camp was learning "coding." "Coding for some people is the set of instructions created to communicate with computers," said one person. Through coding students can make computers perform tasks and allow students to be able to create video games, not just play them. McDowell said the campers learned to code using Scratch, taught by Danny Smith, coach of the Omegabytes Joining Smith were members of the national-award winning robotics team from REaCH/Rutherford County Schools. The robotics team was on hand each day with Smith to teach the campers more about coding and about the robots built by Omegabytes. Campers were also able to observe honey bees in a hive and they made food that represented things they learned from their garden. McDowell said the campers made honey snacks and prior to making their snacks they learned about pollinating and how bees pollinate fl owers. The Omegabytes are GrahamTown community partners and have presented workshops in the past and during camp were able to spend even more time with campers. "This 5th year of camp was amazing and we looked forward to a more challenging tech project, great gardening insight and trying new foods," McDowell said. Hannah Bundy and Tracy Davis, staff members from the North Carolina Cooperative Extension in Spindale,and Masters Gardeners worked with the campers on the importance of gardening. Master Gardeners taught gardening techniques. The gardening lessons for the campers can be used for many years and can be built upon, McDowell explained. Campers created their own snacks with the assistance of Extension Agent Tracy Davis. She taught them food preparation, extending lessons learned in a garden, McDowell said. Continued on page 3. ISSUE NO. 25 • June 23, 2022 ISSUE NO. 25 • June 23, 2022 • • • 828-248-1408 • 828-248-1408 Our 30 th Year • Over 25,000 Weekly Readers BRING YOUR VEHICLE BY FOR US TO LOOK AT! NO APPRAISAL FEE CHARGED! TOP DOLLAR PAID! PAID! YOUR VEHICLE VEHICLE We Want to Buy We Want to Buy 345 South Broadway, Forest City 828-245-8067 M O O RE ' S AUTO S ALES ©communityfi rstmedia Sm it h T rad i ng Pos t STP 828-289-6699 WE BUY GOLD 131 W Main St., Spindale Beside Barley's $$$CASH ON THE SPOT WE HAVE MONEY FOR YOU BUYING & SELLING ANYTHING OF VALUE, ANTIQUES, JEWELRY, MORE! OVER 30 YEARS OF SERVICE! PAWN SHOP Robots, garden worms and colorful snacks Robots, garden worms and colorful snacks Were among summer campers' delight Article by Jean Gordon. Photos by Jean Gordon and Contributed. IN GOD WE TRUST! IN GOD WE TRUST! Alina Flores enjoying one of the healthy snacks prepared with the help of Tracy Davis. Josiah McDowell seems to be loving the new coding techniques taught by the Omegabytes robotics team from REaCH/Rutherford County Schools. Coding techniques were taught by Coach Danny Smith. Worms were the topic of Monday's gardening class taught by Hannah Bundy and Master Gardeners. Water Day on Friday provided extra fun on the last day of the summer camp.

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