Diversity Rules Magazine

April 2022

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1463463

Contents of this Issue


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PRIDE ALONG THE MOHAWK: Educational and advo- cacy group in Utica, New York. www.pridealongthemo- hawk.com. RAINBOW PRIDE UNION. http://sa.binghamton.edu or rpu@sa.binghamton.edu SAGE/UPSTATE. For LGBT seniors in Central NY. Health resources, social programs & education on issues impact- ing LGBT seniors. Syracuse: 1-315-478-1923; www.sage- upstate.org STAP, INC. Primary provider of HIV/AIDS services in region. Binghamton: 1-800-333-0892 Ithaca: 1-607-272- 4098 Oneonta: 1-607-432-6654; www.stapinc.org COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES: CITY COLLEGE of NEW YORK: Straight & Gay Alliance. Email: SAGA@CCNY.CUNY.edu CORNELL LGBT Resource Ctr. Phone: 1-607-254-4987; Email: www.lgbtrc.cornell.edu CORTLAND LGBT RESOURCE CTR. Creating a visible empowered community focusing on LGBTQ youth, fami- lies, & adults and supporters. Contact the coordinator at Phone: 607-756-8970; Email: www.cortlandlgbt.org HARTWICK BI-GALA+. www.users.hartwick.edu/bigala ITHACA COLLEGE LGBT RESOURCE CTR. Phone: 1-607-274-7394; Email: www.ithaca.edu/sacl/lgbt NAZARETH COLLEGE. lambda@mail.naz.edu SUCO GENDER SEXUALITY RESOURCE CTR. Hunt Union Bldg. SUNY Oneonta 1-607-436-2190 SYRACUSE U. LBGT RESOURCE CTR. www.lgbt.syr.edu Phone: 1-315-443-3983 UNIVERSITY of ALBANY. LGBTQ support group. Email: HWright@uamail.albany.edu UNIVERSITY of ROCHESTER. Pride Alliance.Phone:1- 585-276-3259 ext.4; Email:pridealliance@rochester.edu QUEER AFFIRMING SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATIONS UNITARIAN UNIVERSILAST SOCIETY OF ONEON- TA: 12 Ford Avenue. Phone: 432.3491. E-mail: uuso@ uuso.org. TRANSGENDER HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDERS Carolyn Wolf-Gould, MD: Comprehensive primary care, transgender hormone therapy. "Dr. Wolf-Gould's practice is closed, but she is accepting new transgender patients. New patients should submit request for TG care to her of- fice in writing in order to obtain appointment. Carolyn Wolf-Gould, MD, Susquehanna Family Practice, Oneonta, NY 13820. 607- 431-5757. INCARCERATED LGBT SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PRISONER ASSISTANCE CENTER: Provides support services to incarcerated LGBT individu- als. 393 1st Street, Troy, NY 12180, 518-238-3439, www. nyspac.com Diversity Rules Magazine|Apr 2022 | 23 .Be Part of Diversity Rules Are you a writer, musician, poet, or other type of creative person looking for a venue to express yourself in but haven't been able to garner the attention you want? Diversity Rules Magazine wants to hear from you! Showcase yourself and your talent in front of a diverse audience each month through the online digital maga- zine as well as the website. Contact the editor today and find out how to be part of Diversity Rules Magazine and get yourself featured monthly or as a guest feature!! Want to advertise and/or sub- scribe? Head to the website to find out how to do both! diversityrulesmagazine@gmail.com (607) 435.1587

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