Jersey Shore Magazine

Spring 2022

Jersey Shore Magazine

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J e r s e y s h o r e • S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 56 JERSEY SHORE PEOPLE In Flow In Flow The Artistry of Jenny Santa MariA C ertified high school art educator. Accomplished pysanky artist and teacher. Singer, songwriter, and musician. While the Jersey Shore is home to many who fall in each of these categories, it is rare for one person to embody them all. However, Brick native Jenny Santa Maria is that diamond in the haystack. With pysanky as her passion, she has instructed the therapeutic and meditative process to hundreds of people from New Hampshire to Delaware, and her dazzling creations capture the attention of collectors worldwide. by Jill Ocone Jenny Santa Maria at her home-studio in Farmingdale. Jill Ocone

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