Jersey Shore Magazine

Spring 2022

Jersey Shore Magazine

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j e r s e y s h o r e • S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 55 SANDY HOOK LIGHTHOUSE Off Route 36, Sandy Hook, (732) 872-5970 Located near the tip of this seven-mile barrier peninsula is the historic Sandy Hook Lighthouse. Lighted for the first time on June 11, 1764, the octagonal tower was the fifth lighthouse in the colonies and remains the oldest operating lighthouse in the U.S. today. The Lighthouse was occupied by British soldiers during the American Revolution and was bombarded by cannons served by Patriot troops. It was also the sanctuary to local refugees who were sympathizers of the King. The park is open 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM daily, except by permit. Due to COVID, Sandy Hook Lighthouse and the onsite buildings are closed until further notice. This includes the Lighthouse Keepers Quarters and Visitor Center, Fort Hancock Post Museum, and History House. Outdoor visitor engagement will continue through outdoor roving inter- pretation and informal interpretive pop-ups. Limited ranger programs have resumed. Visit the website and events calendar to find out more. Paul Scharff

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