On Screen

February 19, 2022

The Greeneville Sun's On Screen provides TV listings, entertainment content and puzzles for the local Greeneville, TN area.

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1453659

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2 x 2" ad 26a A Cut Above 26b EK Law 2 x 6.5" ad a) fi rst baptist church b) house ad February 26 - March 4, 2022 "American Idol" begins its fifth season on ABC — and its 20th season overall — Sunday. American Idol 6 x 3" ad a) Medtec b) Backman- Bearnard Auto c) McIntosh Lee d) Backman- Bearnard Auto 1007 W. MAIN STREET•GREENEVILLE, TN 37743•(423)638-5878 Keith A. Reaves - Owner/Broker/Auctioneer Call to schedule upcoming auctions and online auctions!! TAL 5991 TFL 5373 January 2 - 8, 2021 ON SCREEN Feb 26 - Mar 4, 2022 classifi edsads@greenevillesun.com *Larger sizes available We'll Help Y Celebrate! Birthdays, Anniversaries Congratulations or Just-Because... Any reason is good enough to fi nd its way into the Classifi eds' Greetings and Happy Ads! To place an ad, call the Classifi eds 638-4185 P.O. Box 1630CL Greeneville, TN 37744 The Greeneville Sun The Greeneville Sun (423) 638-4182 GreenevilleSun.com LIFT CHAIRS $300 OFF SCOOTERS $200 OFF WAREHOUSE PRICES! BUY A GIFT OF COMFORT AND LOVE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE!

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