The Press-Dispatch
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The D-4 Wednesday, Feburar y 16, 2022 The Press-Dispatch CLASSIFIEDS To submit classified ads: Call | 812-354-8500 Email | or bring in a hard copy | 820 E. Poplar Street, Petersburg Display Classified Ads ��������������������������������������������������������������$6�10 per column inch Happy Ads ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������$4�85 per column inch No ads less than 4 inches will be accepted unless they run for a full month� DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS CONTACT US DEADLINE CLASSIFIED RATES AND ADD-ONS CATEGORIES HOURS PAYMENT Call: ��������������������������������������������� 812-354-8500 Fax: ���������������������������������������������� 812-354-2014 Email: �����������������classifieds@pressdispatch�net Line �������� Tuesday, Noon Display ��� Tuesday, Noon Picture ������ Monday, 5 pm Mon�-Fri� ������8 am to 5 pm Saturday ����� 8 am to Noon Sunday ������������������Closed FOR SALE • Household • Electronics • Recreational • Lawn & Garden • Farm Equipment • Livestock • Pets • Miscellaneous • Freebies YARD SALES • Categorized by Community ODDS & ENDS • Want to Buy • Lost & Found • Miscellaneous EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE • Homes • Comm� Property • Mobile Homes • Land • For Rent • Want to Rent MOTOR MALL • Cars • Vans • SUVs • Trucks • Motorcycles • Boats • RVs SERVICES • Child Care • Housekeeping • Lawn Services • Contractors • Miscellaneous Check or cash� Must pay in advance� Any changes in content after first insertion will be treated as a new ad� 1 Week ���������������������������� $4�00 up to 20 words *Additional words ������������������������������ 10¢ each Buy 2, Get 3rd Week Free Non-refundable, Non-commercial only� For one week, your line ad with 20 or less words costs $4�00� Any additional words cost 10¢ each� Buy two weeks, get the third week free� Paid in advance� Non-commercial only� OPTION 1 $4.00* For only $5, you can add a photo to your line ad� Photos must be submitted by 4 p�m� Monday� OPTION 3 Add $5/week ADD A HEADLINE With option 2, you can add a bold, all caps headline to your line ad for only $1� Headline, as shown above, is limited to 15 characters in length� OPTION 2 Add $1/week HEADLINE + PICTURE Option 4 includes a photo and bold headline (Opt� 2 + Opt� 3)� OPTION 4 Add $6/week DELUXE PACKAGE Includes photo, head- line and tinted box. OPTION 5 Add $8/week Something Newsworthy? Give us a call: 812-354-8500 Here's How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are format- ted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can fig - ure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! SUDOKU Non-Smoking Facility 611 Main Street, Suite 120, Petersburg or Call 812-354-2150 1 & 2 BEDROOM Ranging from $298 - $809 INCOME RESTRICTION $27,660 for 1 person and $31,620 for 2 people. Age 55 and older. APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Water, sewer, trash included, along with all appliances, including a washer and dryer! Attention: MR. FIX-IT HANDYMAN Jack-of-All Trades Will train! CLEAN-UP DETAIL PERSON ✓ Paid weekly ✓ Paid Vacation ✓ Paid Holidays ✓ Simple IRA Plan 323 W Illinois Street Petersburg 812-354-2979 Apply in person or online at Starting pay based on experience Call Jenny at: 812-789-3985 Now Hiring Competitive Wages! Lakewood Home ASSISTED LIVING 16 And Up May Apply Call For Shift Availability 1-2 bedroom spacious senior apts. Minimum age 62 years. Disabled or handicapped person may be under 62-years-old. Beautiful rural setting with open views from each apartment. Laundry and meeting rooms available. Rent based on adjusted annual income through USDA Rural Development. NOW RENTING OTWELL RURITAN senior housing, inc. 9821 E. Jefferson St., Otwell 812-354-9117 Otwell Storage Units Available Call 812-766-3614 YOUR VEHICLE! SELL US FLAT COLOR FLAT LOGO 3 LOGO 2 COLOR FLAT LOGO 1 COLOR Buying Used Vehicles Under 120k miles in good running condition Call 812-386-6193 Start Owning Your Future Today! Openings on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Shift • Maintenance Technicians • Manufacturing Positions • Shipping Helper We offer an excellent BENEFIT PACKAGE, including: • Paid Time Off • Accelerated Pay • Employee Stock Ownership • Health Insurance • Disability • Dental • Vision 1010 First Avenue Jasper, IN 47546 Equal Opportunity Employer PUZZLED ABOUT WHAT TO READ? ..and you will have your solution. subscribe to 812-354-8500 FOR SALE Livestock RABBITS Rabbits for Sale: show quality Californian and New Zealand white rabbits of all ages. Great for breed- ing stock and all projects. See us for your meat pens this year as well. For more information, call Chad at 419-340-5500. No Sunday calls. Pets RABBITS For sale: Californian rab- bits, doe's and buck's. Call 812-789-3876 or 812-582- 1044. Miscellaneous Use Happy JackÆ Tone- KoteÆ on dogs & cats to insure a warm winter coat, prevent shedding & elimi- nate doggy odor. At Trac- tor SupplyÆ (www. IC LIVE PAIN FREE with CBD products from AceWell- ness. We guarantee high- est quality, most competitive pricing on CBD products. Softgels, Oils, Skincare, Vape & more. Coupon Code: PRINT20 Call Now 833-226-3105 IC ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. On- ly 2.8 pounds. FREE infor- mation kit. Call 855-965-4916 IC Portable Oxygen Concen- trator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim inde- pendence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Ino- gen One. Free information kit! Call 877-930-3271 IC Guaranteed Life Insur- ance! (Ages 50 to 80). No medical exam. Affordable premiums never increase. Benefits never decrease. Policy will only be can- celled for non-payment. 833-535-1043 IC DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY! FAST FREE PICKUP-24 HR RE- SPONSE! Help Children in Need, Support Breast Can- cer Education/Prevention or Veterans. Tax Deduc- tion 844-820-9099 IC DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG CANCER? You may quali- fy for a substantial cash award. NO Obligation, NO risk! We've recovered mil- lions. Let us help you!! Call 24/7, 844-284-4920 IC ADVERTISERS: You can place a 25-word classified ad in more than 140 news- papers across the state for as little as $340.00 with one order and paying with one check through ICAN, Indiana Classified Adver- tising Network. For Infor- mation contact the classified department of your local newspaper or call ICAN direct at Hoosier State Press Association, (317) 803-4772. IC Freebies For Sale: New lined Army jacket, size extra-large, $25. Call 812-354-3874. For Sale: New Army jack- et, size small, $15. Call 812- 354-3874. For Sale: New L.L.Bean long coat, size large, $25. Call 812-354-3874. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Use a freebie classified ad. The ads must contain the price of the article, $25 or less. Pets and animals must be free. They may have no more than 10 words including price and phone number. Limit of three freebies per week. No lawn and garden, firewood, books, multiple items or any commercial enterprise may be listed. Deadline is 2 p.m. Monday prior to pub- lication. YARD SALES Community Looking to promote your yard sale? Look no further than the Press-Dispatch Classifieds. Call to place you listing today. ODDS & ENDS Wanted to Buy WANT TO BUY Platolene 500 and Hoosier Pete gas station signs. Pontiac, Oldsmobile and Chrysler car dealership signs. Call 317-439-7570. EMPLOYMENT PT POSITION Pike County Auditor's Of- fice has an opening for a part-time clerical position (Fifteen hours per week). Qualified applicant will have a working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and be detail-oriented. Please send resume to REAL ESTATE Homes Otwell A MUST SEE For Sale: 3 bedroom, 1 bath home at 1970 SR 257, Otwell. Updated cabinets, countertops, flooring and carpet, on 1 acre with a 12'x14' utility shed and ga- rage. $135,000. Call 812- 354-2831 or 812-789-3940. For Rent Petersburg House for rent: 3 or 4- bed- room house. Washer/dry- er, stove and refrigerator included. Full basement and 1-car garage in Peters- burg. $750 per month. Ap- plications available at Boyd Realty, 602 E. Main Street, Petersburg. Call 812-354- 8893. Apartments Available in Petersburg 1 & 2 bedroom family units, and senior citizens RENT BASED ON INCOME TOWER Construction Co. 309 W. Brumfield Princeton, IN 47670 Call 812-385-3859 or TDD 1-800-743-3333 Apply in person at: is institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. REAL ESTATE Homes Apartment for rent: Peters- burg Autumn Apartments, 2-bedroom, stove, refriger- ator, optional washer/dry- er. Water and Sewer included. Application avail- able at Boyd Realty, 602 E. Main Street, Petersburg. Call 812-354-8893. Winslow For rent: 1-bedroom unit, stove and refrigerator. Sewer and Water included. Laundry mat accessible. Patoka Valley Apartments, Winslow. Applications available at Boyd Realty, 602 E. Main Street, Peters- burg. Call 812-354-8893. MOTOR MALL Cars Looking for a great deal on your next vehicle? Call or text Louie Campbell, sales professional, at 812-899- 6267, or email lcampbell@ Steve Faulkner Chevy, Buick, GMC on Hwy 64 W. in Princeton. Trucks FORD RANGER 4X4 For Sale: Black 2000 Ford Ranger XLT extended cab 4x4. 190k miles +/-. 3.0 L engine runs pretty good, no smoke and doesn't use oil. Decent tires. 4-wheel drive, heat, air, wipers, lights, and power windows work. No cracked glass. Needs body work and tail- gate latch. $1,800 firm. Call 812-354-4528.