The Press-Dispatch
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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, Feburar y 16, 2022 B-5 HISTORY Submit history photos: Call: 812-354-8500 Email: or bring in a hard copy: 820 E. Poplar Street, Petersburg Source: • Photo source: Wednesday, Feb. 16 • Archaeologist opens tomb of King Tut (1923) • Silver dollars made legal (1978) Thursday, Feb. 17 • Thomas Jefferson is elected third U.S. president (1801) • Beetle overtakes Model T as world's best-selling car (1972) Friday, Feb. 18 • Twain publishes "The Adven- tures of Huckleberry Finn" (1885) • Dale Earnhardt killed in crash (2001) Saturday, Feb. 19 • Donner Party rescued (1847) • FDR orders Japanese Amer- icans into internment camps (1942) Sunday, Feb. 20 • Postal Service Act regulates United States Post Office De- partment (1792) • John Glenn becomes first Amer- ican to orbit Earth (1962) Monday, Feb. 21 • Malcolm X assassinated (1965) • Dolly Parton cements her cross- over success as "9 to 5" hits #1 (1981) Tuesday, Feb. 22 • U.S. Hockey team makes mira- cle on ice (1980) • The U.S. acquires Spanish Flor- ida (1819) net edition Web, Smartphone, Tablet Streamline the Headline! 812-354-8500 • 820 Poplar St., Petersburg, IN • Petersburg Main Street—1931 In 1931 cars parked at an angle on both sides of Main Street and parallel in the middle of the extra wide street. Business was said to be very good at that time, and every time the parking was changed, people in business said business dropped. The automobiles on Main Street were made in the 1920s and early 1930s. There were some new cars made in 1930-31, but the depression had slowed down the sale of new cars at that time. Parking was changed to dis-allow parking in the center of Main Street, and later angle parking was banned. SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The Petersburg Press Friday and Tuesday, Feb. 14 and 18, 1947 While playing Tuesday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Burke, small Terry Dilley fell into a posthole which was deep enough to come above his waist. His feet be- came wedged in the bottom of the hole and it was impossible to extricate him. It took more than an hour of hard digging in the frozen ground to get him out. Movies that will interest all rural families will be shown throughout Pike county by the three local agricultural agen- cies. The soil conservation ser- vice, the A A, and the county agent's office have planned for a 2 hour show of timely agricul- tural subjects and travel in oth- er counties. Brief explanations of the programs and services offered by each agency will be made. The sponsors have ar- ranged ample accommodations for large groups at each meeting place. They urge the attendance of all farm families and other ag- ricultural minded persons. The meeting dates and places are: Feb. 17, Petersburg Lyric the- atre; 18, Otwell school build- ing; 19th, Stendal school; 20th, Union school; and 26th, Mill- er school near Oatsville. These meetings will start at 7 p.m. A representative group of Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts attended the service at the First Method- ist Church Sunday evening. Rev. Skidmore's sermon was of spe- cial significance to them and he paid tribute to the celebration of Scout Week. At the conclusion of the service special awards were presented by C. D. Man- hart and Joe Evans. Advertisement: Morgan's Style Shop- Carole King Dress- es for Juniors, peplum pretty, puffed out proud, this saucy peplum, with its frosting of cut- out lace. A two-piecer of Carole rayon Ruff. White, petal pink or frosted blue. Junior sizes 9 to 15 for $14.95. Norton's Hatchery on lower Main street, phone 138, Baby Chicks, place your order NOW and you will be assured of "on time" delivery. Chicks from U.S. approved and pullorum tested flocks, which guarantees high livability and top quality. Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson, a son, Terry Wayne, Feb. 6, at Stork hospital. SIXTY YEARS AGO The Pike County Dispatch Thursday, Feb. 15, 1962 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nicholson of Pe- tersburg Monday in an ambu- lance before the mother could reach the hospital. Mr. Nichol- son had gone to the office of a Petersburg doctor and he imme- diately called the Harris ambu- lance. The doctor rode in the ambulance with Mrs. Nicholson and about three miles south of Washington, the doctor asked that the ambulance be stopped. He delivered the baby before the trip was resumed to the Da- viess County hospital. The ba- by, weighing five pounds, elev- en ounces, and the mother are doing fine. Steve Lane, son of Mrs. Ver- le Stafford of Petersburg, es- caped death at about 6 a.m. Monday when he was struck by a large truck near the Sun- set Motel while he was deliv- ering newspapers. According to police, the boy was near the side of the pavement on a bicy- cle. The truck driver tried to miss the 13-year-old boy, but hit the rear wheel of the bicy- cle. Steve was thrown away from the truck and the truck ran over the wheel of the bicycle. When the truck stopped, the bicycle was wrapped around the front bumper of the truck. Steve, an eighth grader in the Petersburg schools, received only a bruised leg and went to school Monday morning. Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hale, of Petersburg, a daughter, Rebeca Lynn, Satur- day, Feb. 10, at the Good Samar- itan hospital; To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens, of Oakland City, a daughter, Angela Denise, Tuesday, Feb. 6, at the Gibson General hospital; Deaths: Elmer Wallace, 80, of Algiers, died Friday, at the Daviess County hospital; Charles Russell, 81, of Stendal, died Monday, at his home; Dan Beards, 72, of Winslow, died Monday, at the Daviess County hospital; Raymond Shandy, 48, of Petersburg, died Tuesday, at the Robert Long hospital; New - ell C. Spradlin, 46, of Oakland City, died Friday, at the Gibson General hospital. FIFTY YEARS AGO The Press-Dispatch Thursday, Feb. 17, 1972 Bridget Bottom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Corn, Winslow, and Sophomore at Winslow High School, was de- clared winner of the sixth annu- al conservation speech contest for Pike County, Fri. Feb. 11 at the Otwell Vocational Agricul- ture room. Topic for the speech- es was Better Use of Our Soil and Water Resources. Other winners were Linda St. Onge, Junior, second; Janet Leistner, junior, third; Zoe A. Crecelius, Sophomore, fourth. All four students received cash awards from the district board at the an- nual meeting. Billy Julian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Julian, Surgeon, and a 20 -year veteran of the Unit- ed States Army, received the Bronze Star for meritorious ser- vice in the defense of the coun- try. The metal was presented to him Thursday evening in Grace Lutheran Church, Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nelson, Campbelltown have purchased Vaughn's Grocery, Main Street in Winslow from Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Vaughn. The Nelson's took possession Feb. 1, have re- stocked the store and are ready to serve the people with first grade merchandise. The store will be know as Nelson's Mar- ket. Kathy Gilliland and Deanna Hayes, Otwell High School ju- niors, have been selected as del- egate and alternate respective- ly, to Hoosier Girls State this summer at Indiana State Uni- versity. Gilliland is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gil- liland and Hayes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes. Ronald Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hayes, a junior of Otwell High School has been selected as delegate to Hoosier Boys Statefrom June 10 -17, on the Terre Haute campus. Wes- ley Garris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garris, junior of Otwell High School, was selected as al- ternate. Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Bil- ly Gross, of Huntingburg, a daughter, Misty Michelle, Fri- day, Jan. 28; To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willis, of Winslow, a son, Jodi Todd, Friday, Feb. 11; To Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Lee, of Oakland City, a son, Billy Joe, Saturday, Feb. 5; To Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCord, of Oak- land City, a daughter, Jennifer Ann, Wednesday, Feb. 9; To Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schaber, of Jas- per, a daughter, Allison Nichole, Saturday, Feb. 12; To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kirk, of Petersburg, a daughter, Yvette Suzanne, Sat- urday, Feb. 12. Marriages: Brenda June Thompson and Richard L. Loos were married at 6:30 p.m. Sat- urday, Feb. 12; Betty Jo Clark and Larry Gene Fair were wed on Feb. 5; Darcy Lucille Chess- er and Kenneth Wayne Shafer, both of Petersburg; Peggy Ellen Hunt and Wilfred Keith Bren- ton; Ellen Rae Garland and Ron- ald Wilford Neukam; Patricia A. Gray and William E. LaFollette were wed on Feb. 4. Deaths: Desdemonia Wool- sey, 86, of Winslow, died Sat- urday, Feb. 12; Russell Wayne Henson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Henson, died Fri- day; Irene R. Hisgen, 86, of Pe- tersburg, died Monday, Feb. 14; Tillie T. Tevebaugh, 76, of Mon- roe, died Friday, Feb. 11; Cor- tis T. Miley, 80, of Petersburg, died Thursday, Feb. 10 ; George Davis, 67, of Petersburg, died Thursday, Feb. 11; Floyd Skin- ner, 63, of Enos Corners, died Tuesday, Feb. 15; George John Williams, 76, of Petersburg, died Wednesday, Feb. 16. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The Press-Dispatch Thursday, Feb. 13, 1997 Barry Holman's sawmill, lo- cated near Alford on Forty Dol- lar Road (CR 275E) was de- stroyed by fire Friday night. Homan said about a quarter of a million dollars of equipment was destroyed in the blaze. Petersburg Free Methodist Church had a valentine ban- quet on Friday, Feb. 7 at the Knepp Restaurant near Wash- ington. Speaker for the eve- ning was Mrs. Beth Battleson. Door prize winners were Mar- gie Stout, Shirley Graham and Beth Battleson. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Blaize, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Onyett, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Crillus Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Henson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Battleson, Pas- tor and Mrs. Paul Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes, Mary L. Miley, Becky Gregory, Pearl Houchins, Mr. and Mrs.Cecil Miley, Allan and Jessica Houch- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Henson, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stout and Debi Myers. Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Daniel, of Princeton, a daughter, Kelsey Lynn, on Tues- day, Feb. 4 at St. Mary's Hospi- tal. Deaths: John W. Leighty, 65, of Winslow, died at 12:01 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9, at Wirth Re- gional Hospital; May Johnson, 89, of Petersburg, died at 4:20 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10, at Peters- burg Healthcare Center; Robert M. Loveless, Sr., 61, of Oakland City, died Thursday, Feb. 6, at Washington Nursing Center; Newton E. Carr, 74, of Peters- burg, died at 5:50 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, at Petersburg Healthcare Center.