Get Fit

Get Fit 2022

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Header goes here This Get Fit Special Section is produced in its entirety by the Advertising Department of the Marin Indepedent Journal and did not involve the editing or reporting staff of the Marin IJ's newsroom. The Marin Independent Journal is located at 4000 Civic Center Drive, Suite 301 in San Rafael, California, 94903. Taking the mental leap into healthy living President and Publisher | Rob Devincenzi Advertising Manager | Lori Pearce Advertising Operations | Diane Sartarelli By Judith M. Wilson Special to Marin IJ E xperts say SARS CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, can have a profound effect on the psyche. The lack of face-to-face interactions and the absence of everyday routines and reassuring hugs, while necessary to contain the virus, take a toll. Stress, fear and anxiety are normal reactions, but emotional wellbeing is part of overall good health, so it's wise to develop coping strategies that allow us to find pleasure in life, even as we endure trying times. Dr. Jei Africa is director of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services for Marin County's Department of Health and Human Services. He advises us all to take time each day to look after our needs. "Do whatever you need to do to take care of all aspects of your health," he says, whether it's eating healthy food, exercising, meditating or going outside to enjoy nature. Take care of your physical health with regular checkups, and safeguard against severe illness by getting vaccinated, he says. A good laugh now and again lifts the spirits and is part of a healthful lifestyle too. Dr. Africa knows one group that gets together virtually, and everyone shares a joke. Laughter makes us more empathetic and forgiving, and when we care for other people, it helps us as well. Gratitude also makes a difference. "We're still here and can connect with loved ones," he says. He also suggests creating a personal wellness box. "Put in everything that will help you in your wellness," he Mental wellness in the age of the pandemic 'We have to be flexible and agile' and concentrate on positive steps to promote joy Stress, fear and anxiety are normal reactions, but emotional wellbeing is part of overall good health, so it's wise to develop coping strategies that allow us to find pleasure in life, even as we endure trying times. – Photo by istock/Getty images 4 January 30, 2022 Get Fit A Marketing Supplement of the Marin Independent Journal |

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