Shelby Shopper

November 24, 2021

Shelby Shopper Shelby NC

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Page 2 - shelby shopper & info - 704/484-1047 Wednesday, November 24-December 1, 2021 Clinical Research Leads to Better Treatments for DRY EYE SYMPTOMS 1 USA General Population 2018 Cross Sectional Study and Population Clock – accessed August 2, 2020 In collaboration with 2YHU 49 million people around the US DUH currentlysuffering from dry eye disease. %XWZLWK DGYDQFHPHQWVLQFOLQLFDOUHVHDUFKWKHUHLVKRSH Dry eye disease can be extremely uncomfortable and affect your day-to-day life. Advancements in dry eye disease treatments are at the forefront of H\HFDUHUHVHDUFK, and eye doctors are working every day to provide RSWLRQV for patients with dry eye symptoms. Involvement in clinical research provides an HDV\ DOWHUQDWLYH to traditional FDUH and allows for the discovery of new potential cures. 3DUWLFLSDWLRQLQGry eye clinical research offers the public unique access to FXWWLQJHGJHWUHDWPHQWV andKRSHIRUUHOLHI. In fact, millions of Americans are currently enrolled in clinical research throughout our nation. In the United States, every single medical treatment or product has gone through a comprehensive clinical research process made possible by people like you. By SDUWLFLSDWLQJ in a dry eye research study, you would not only have a chance to achieve JUHDWHUFRPIRUW, but you will also be contributing to the LPSURYHGTXDOLW\RIOLIH for otherVVXIIHULQJ IRUIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQV. DR. PATRICK VOLLMER, an award-winning RSWRPHWULVWin 6KHOE\ KDVRQJRLQJDFWLYHGU\H\HWULDOV DQGLVH[FLWHGWRLQYLWHDGGLWLRQDO SDUWLFLSDQWV. If you are interested in learning more about participating in clinical research as a SRWHQWLDOcare option for your dry eye symptoms, SOHDVHreach out WR learn more /HIWXQWUHDWHGGU\H\HFDQOHDG WRYLVLRQORVV SHUPDQHQW GDPDJHWRWKHH\HV Up to 49 million Americans suffer from dry eye symptoms 1 'R\RXKDYHUHGDJLWDWHGRUEXUQLQJH\HV" Call 1-866-EYE-DROP tospeak with aQ Hxpert today! 2UYLVLWXVDWZZZ2UD&RQQHFWVFRPSDWLHQWV "It was good to be on a trial because it gives you a comfort factor that somebody is taking notice of what is happening to your eyes." CYNTHIA Clinical Trial Participant

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