Today's Entertainment

November 21, 2021

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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10 • November 21 - 27, 2021 • Brainerd Dispatch The Late Show with Stephen Colbert The company that makes the toaster "pastry" [Pop- Tarts] is being sued for $5 million because Frosted Strawberry Pop-Tarts contain 2% or less of dried strawberries, dried pears and dried apples. Yeah, we know! That's why we like 'em! On the other hand, the Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart has real sugar and 50% of your recommended daily allowance of brown. Extreme Sudoku Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 4x4 box contains the digits 1 through 9. AND the letters A through F. Solution below Late Laughs JOIN US AT OUR SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS. CHECK WWW.LPCFUND.ORG FOR MEETING DATES AND TIMES. Legacy Golf Club House, East Gull Lake Dr. Brainerd • LittleFalls • Staples Contactustoday at218-829-2020 toscheduleyour life-changing blade-freeLASIK! Complete Ophthalmology And Optometry Services Blade Free Lasik Surgery Call us today 218-829-2020 • 800-872-0005 Brainerd • Little Falls • Staples DollarsraisedinourThriftStoregotohelpthose inneedintheBrainerd/BaxterLakesCommunity 001767727r1 609NorwoodStreet Brainerd,MN NowAcceptingDonations,callfordonationpickup218-822-3559 13442 Elmwood Dr. Baxter, MN 56425 218-829-4207 Give thanks for your teeth, they work hard on Thanksgiving. f r o m t h e c o m f o r t o f

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