Today's Entertainment

November 21, 2021

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Brainerd Dispatch • November 21 - 27, 2021 •11 AGRO- NOMY ANATOMY ARCHAE- OLOGY ASTRON- OMY BIOLOGY BOTANY CARTO- GRAPHY EARTH SCIENCES ECOLOGY GENETICS GENOMICS GEOLOGY GEO- PHYSICS HISTOLOGY KINETICS METAL- LURGY NUTRITION ROBOTICS SOCIOLOGY TAXONOMY THERMO- DYNAM- ICS UROLOGY VIROLOGY ZOOLOGY Field Research From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme 7818 Excelsior Road, Suite 100 | Baxter, MN 56425 LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS CALL FOR A RISK-FREE CONSULTATION TODAY! 218-656-9130 LEARN HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF. Imagine going to a health care facility, laying down, spending 32 minutes relaxing, then getting up and finding out you've lost an inch or so around your waist. What if you could not only continue to lose, but learn how to keep the weight off. Well, guess what? You can! We all know losing "stubborn fat" is hard and even harder as we get older. Learn how to eat right for your body and workout smarter not harder with DNA testing. Our body contouring technology uses a special light therapy that is FDA cleared and guaranteed to lose 2 inches or your money back! • No Pain • No Surgery • No Starving • No Downtime We guarantee a 2 inch loss on your midsection in 1 hour. Our average weight loss is 20 pounds in 40 days.

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