Diversity Rules Magazine

November 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1424615

Contents of this Issue


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Jim Koury is a seeker of personal truth, and desires to empower oth- ers to find their own personal truth, whatever it may be. He is also an ac vist who is not afraid to speak his mind, and ruffle some feath- ers, if necessary. His main objec ve is to get people to think and think for themselves. He espouses Aristotle's mantra, "It is the mark of an educated mind to en- tertain a thought without accep ng it." Jim does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish. Welcome to the November issue of Diversity Rules Magazine. We are bearing down on the end of the year! Crazy, huh? Where did it go? Enjoy the now, folks! I am psyched about this month's feature interview. I was not done by me, though. The Charlie Mar n interview came compliments of Champions (UK) plc, The Speakers Agency. I hope you enjoy the inter- view. I am most likely going to use this wonderful firm more o en, as they have a stellar list of clients for a poten al interview. Stay tuned. As the first professional transgender motorsports rac- er, Charlie Mar n is breaking records, personal bests, and stereotypes. The LGBT+ and diversity speaker has first-hand experience of the importance of inclusion, having experienced s gma as a transgender woman. Charlie is now using her influen al pla orm to pro- mote acceptance and understanding, from sport to business. Motorsports in itself is a male-dominated industry, so Charlie is having to face discrimina on as both a woman and a member of the LGBT+ commu- nity. Despite this, she remains steadfast in her mes- sage; "I want to share my story with everyone". Inspired by transgender model Caroline Crossey, Charlie is a vocal advocate for LGBT+ representa- on. She has led several influen al campaigns in the sport, including encouraging drivers to proudly wear the rainbow flag at the 2018 Gine a GT5 Challenge, for Pride Month. Charlie wants transgender repre- senta on to become normalized, she wants people to look at her and see a good racer - not just a trans- gender woman. As the first racing driver to join Ath- letes Ally's, a non-profit LGBT+ organiza on, Charlie is highly regarded as a trailblazer of representa on, both in motorsports and across the world. Charlie's story is a remarkable one, and certainly an empowering one for those who are ques oning their ability to forge ahead with their lives. Charlie is proof that one's circumstances do not ma er. This month's issue, as usually is the case, has a lot of other great ar cles and features. In addi on to the regular monthly features, such as Joey Amato, Stu Schwartz, Helen Dunn, and Diane Lang, there are some new features of interest. One, in par cu- lar, is by Mathew Boudreaux, AKA Mister Domes c. Ma hew talks about 9 ps for handling the holidays while queer. A humorous, and yet serious, look at how to cope with rela ves who do not quite under- stand yet. There are also some features about upcoming holi- day shows, new music releases, and new books by queer ar sts, and authors. I hope you enjoy the November issue. Feedback is always welcomed. If an ar cle is posted on the blog, any comment you may have can be added at the bot- tom of each ar cle. So if you are so inclined to do so, your opinion ma ers! See you next month in December. Racing toward a New Year. Hopefully, we can get this pandemic be- hind us in 2022! Fingers crossed. My Two Cents A Message From The Editor James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine | Nov 2021 | 3

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