The Press-Dispatch

October 13, 2021

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The Press-Dispatch Wednesday, October 13, 2021 D-5 Socialist agendas that liberal school officials across Amer- ica are imposing upon Amer- ica's children. Recently, the Secretary of Education testified to Con- gress that parents were not the primary stakeholder in determining educational pro- gramming. Democratic Vir- ginia gubernatorial candi- date Terry McAuliffe went off the rails and stated, "I don't think parents should be tell- ing schools what they should teach." Parents are being told that the federal government and Teachers Unions are the primary stakeholders in de- termining what children are taught. McAuliffe also as- serts they do not teach CRT in Virginia schools. Techni- cally, he could be correct be- cause what is being taught is not referred to as CRT; but it sounds a lot like CRT. He writes CRT off as a made-up plan by his opponents and a right-wing conspiracy. Make no mistake about it, America is embroiled in a culture war that targets our children. In some schools, children are being taught to hate being American. If they are white, to repent for their own inborn racism. Many so- cial activists are chanting if you are "white" you are part of the problem. Children are so impressionable and mold- able that the scriptures say, Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." The Proverbs say, Pr 22:28 "Do not move the an- cient landmark that your fa- thers have set." A landmark is not just a boundary mark- er, it tells you where you are, where you have been, and can point to where you need to go. Once a landmark is re- moved in time, no one knows what is where. What will the next generation of America citizens look like? Slavery is a curse on hu- manity. The curse of slavery continues to divide America. The BLM movement, Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory are an outgrowth of racial discrimination, preju- dice, and racism. Most peo- ple will agree that we need healthy conversations about racism and discrimination in America. What most people do not agree with is the re- writing of America History, labeling every white person a racist, canceling the white culture, defunding the po- lice, rioting, destroying stat- ues, landmarks, calling all Southern Confederates rac- ist, etc. Some people believe that destroying these mon- uments is an atonement for past racial sins. Jesus made atonement and forgave all sins, past, present, and fu- ture. Perhaps cooler heads will prevail if everybody con- fesses that they have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Just a thought and a prayer. dress threats posed by Chi- nese investment in the U.S. Fully enforcing U.S. export control laws and laws prohib- ited goods made with forced labor should also be key pri- orities. Finally, rather than insti- tuting our own industrial pol- icies, the government should focus on unleashing the pow- er of America's greatest com- parative advantage: the free market. That means elimi- nating and lowering regula- tory barriers, cutting taxes, and reining in government spending. Tori K. Smith is a Jay Van Andel Senior Policy Analyst in Trade Policy and provides the conservative true north on free trade through her re- search and writing. Court Report TRAFFIC AND MISDEMEANORS Pike County Circuit Court Alex M. McFarland charged with driv- ing while suspended, prior. Cheryl Kline charged with false in- forming. Sydney Elaine Wilhite charged with operating a vehicle with and ACE of at least .08 but less than .15. Bradley Clauss charged with operat- ing a vehicle with an ACE of .15 or more. Phillip Hudson charged with knowing- ly or intentionally operating a motor vehi- cle without ever receiving a license. CIVIL Pike County Circuit Court Discover Bank C/O Discover Prod- ucts, Inc. sues Matthew Brewster on complaint. Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. sues Jay Inman on complaint. Midland Credit Management, Inc. sues Michael Like on complaint. Progressive Paloverde Insurance Com- pany sues Elijuah D. Patterson on com- plaint. Rachelle Poteet sues Nathan T. Poteet for dissolution of marriage. Candice Walburn sues Michael Wal- burn, Jr. for dissolution of marriage. INFRACTIONS Pike County Circuit Court Gavin Wayne Duncan charged with speeding, exceeding 55 mph. Travis R. Sergent charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. Damon Levi Logestan charged with speeding, exceeding 55 mph. Jack C. Muelbauer charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Melissa A. Mincey charged with seat- belt violation. Jaime Moya charged with speeding. Alishia N. Willis charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. Mike J. Woody charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Jessica R. Smith charged with speed- ing, exceeding 30 mph. Shondale S. Campbell charged with op- erating a motor vehicle with a fictitious plate. Quaid E. Britton charged with seatbelt violation. Yul Coleman Venters, Jr. charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Shyanne M. Brooks charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Grover E. Fentress, Jr. charged with disregarding a flashing red or yellow sig- nal. Norma L. Partlow charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. Bradley J. Hawthorne charged with seatbelt violation. James J. Toth charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Trevor M. St. Clair charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Amber M. Walker charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Kasondra J. Austin charged with seat- belt violation. Tanner J. Veit charged with seatbelt vi- olation. Carleigh S. Helms charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Colton M. DeJarnett charged with op- erating a motor vehicle with a false plate. Alex K. Scott charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Andrew D. Lane charged with speed- ing, exceeding 70 mph. Colton A. Rainey charged with seat- belt violation. Samuel O. Ballard charged with seat- belt violation. Justus R. King charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Cristina Castaneda Cortez charged with speeding. Caroline R. Kieffner charged with learners permit violation. Payten M. Pehowic charged with learn- ers permit violation, Benjamin C. Grimes charged with speeding, exceeding 70 mph. Jillian F. Davis charged with speeding, exceeding 55 mph. Jacob R. Nonte charged with speeding. Andrew M. Lawrence charged with speeding. Victor Daniel Villanueva-De-La-Luz charged with speeding. Tristan N. Foster charged with speed- ing. Fischer G. Owens charged with speed- ing, exceeding 55 mph. Sonny W. Ashby charged with unlaw- ful possession of tobacco, e-Liquid or electronic cigarette. CRT Continued from page 4 cent, down from 72 percent; with size and power of gov- ernment at 31 percent, down from 38 percent; with our system of government and how well it works at 27 per- cent, down from 43 percent; and the moral and ethical climate at 18 percent, down from 32 percent. Given how Democrats are running our government, 2022 should be a big year for Republicans. Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show "Cure America with Star Parker." 2022 Continued from page 4 STRATEGY Continued from page 4 If I die, what happens to the SS taxes I paid? Social Security Matters Dear Rusty: I have heard that when my wife and I pass, the government keeps all we have paid into social security. Is this correct? Signed: Curious Senior. Dear Curious: The Social Security taxes paid while you and your wife were working weren't deposited into a person- al account for each of you; rather they were used to pay benefits to those collect- ing Social Security at the time. That's the way the program has worked since enact- ed in 1935 and the way it still works to- day. The money you contributed has al- ready been used to pay benefits to others. However, hopefully you and your wife will live to claim your own benefits, and what you get when you claim will be based up- on your earnings record over your entire lifetime (up to earnings you paid Social Security FICA payroll taxes on). Those historical earnings are adjusted for in- flation and your lifetime average month- ly earnings amount is determined, from which your base benefit is calculated. Just as you and your wife helped pay for those getting SS benefits while you were working and paying into Social Security, those now working and paying into the program will help pay benefits to you and your wife. You may be interested to know that studies show most workers get back ev- erything they've personally contributed to Social Security within about three to five years of starting their benefits. One study I'm familiar with looked at how long it would take the av- erage Social Security re- cipient who starts bene- fits at full retirement age (FR A) to get back money equal to what they paid in- to SS. That study looked at four different hypothet- ical earners – one who earned only half of the national average wage in- dex (AWI) for their life- time; another who earned 100 percent of the national AWI for their lifetime; another who earned 150 per- cent of AWI for their lifetime; and yet an- other who earned the maximum annual payroll tax cap for their entire lifetime. The study then figured how much each of those individuals would have paid in Social Security payroll taxes over their 35 highest-earning years (which is what SS benefits are computed from). Then, the study looked at what their SS benefit would be at full retirement age and cal- culated how long it would take for each to recover the Social Security FICA tax- es paid over their lifetime. The analysis revealed that the lowest earning benefi- ciary would get back everything paid into Social Security within about 34 months, and the highest earning beneficiary would get back everything paid within about 63 months. For clarity, this study looked at employed workers who pay Social Security FICA taxes; those who are self-em- ployed and who must pay both the employee and employer portion of SS tax must collect benefits longer to break even. So, the answer to your spe- cific question is that the mon- ey you and your wife contrib- uted to Social Security while you were working has already been used to pay benefits for others who were getting benefits at the time you paid into the program. Hope- fully, by the time you and your wife pass you both will have received considerably more in Social Security benefits than the taxes you paid into the program while you were working. If you were an employ- ee, you only need to collect benefits for about three to five years to be ahead of the game. One final note for those who contend they could do better investing that mon- ey on their own: Not paying Social Secu- rity tax on employment earnings isn't a personal option. To submit a question, visit website ( cial-security-advisory) or email ssadvi- & For 7 weeks, starting November 2, you may run a 2 col. x 3" ad for ONLY $49/week Price includes publication in both papers for double the exposure! 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