Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC
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David Caldwell and many like him are heroes for our N.C. environment. Caldwell, 57, is the Broad Riverkeeper and, by defi nition, is the primary protector and spokesperson for the rivers and streams of the Broad River watershed in the Western and Piedmont regions of North Carolina. Caldwell, who loves being outdoors, is with MountainTrue, an environmental conservation group based in Asheville. "We have 23 full-time employees including four River-keepers," he said. "We have programs for Clean Waters, Resilient Forests, Healthy Communities, Green Energy, and a Creation Care Alliance. We all work within and across our programs to support each other. We also rely heavily on volunteers who get involved in our efforts." They also, noted Caldwell, "… work with communities and citizens to monitor water quality and advocate for best management practices that will improve our waters for drinking, swimming, and fi shing." His jurisdiction starts in the headwaters along the Blue Ridge Escarpment and in the South Mountains and goes downstream to the S.C. state line. Caldwell said he has been fi shing, swimming, paddling, and exploring the Broad River and its tributaries for over 30 years. Additionally, he started the Broad River Paddle Club (a Facebook group page) in 2011, began doing river cleanups in 2012, started Broad River Alliance, a Water- keeper Alliance Affi liate program in 2015, worked part time and mostly on a volunteer basis for 3.5 years, and in 2019 became a fully licensed Riverkeeper. He said no particular training is required to become a Riverkeeper, but added, "A good understanding of science and ecology is helpful. Mostly, one needs to be passionate about the work of protecting our waters, diligent in the pursuit of science, truth, and environmental justice, and willing to stand up and speak out for the communities who depend on these resources." For Caldwell, a memorable moment occurred when he and others helped bring about Duke Power's coal ash re-moval from the banks of the Broad River in 2020. His advice on keeping the rivers and forests clean and clear? "Don't pollute and don't accept pollution as a normal part of our world. Simple things like 'pack it in, pack it out', or joining a stream- side or roadside litter cleanup make a difference. If you see pollution, report it. NCDEQ has a great website with plenty of opportunities for citizens to get involved. Get in touch with me if you have concerns about pollution or water quality in our streams and rivers," he said. For those interested in keeping up with or donating to MountainTrue, Caldwell said to visit "Any donation you can make would be greatly appreciated and help to fund the work that I do," he said. Follow his work at Broad Riverkeeper on Facebook and Instagram. If you are interested in this type of work, he said to fi nd out what programs/organizations are already doing work in your area, and start volunteering. For more information on what Mr. Caldwell does, email him at, or call 704-284-9002. Thank you to Shelby, Cleveland County for a sucessful 2021 ALWS! See you for ALWS 2022--August 11-16 ISSUE NO. 33 • August 19, ISSUE NO. 33 • August 19, 2021 • 2021 • • 828-248-1408 • 828-248-1408 Our 29 th Year • Over 25,000 Weekly Readers N.C. TRACTOR & FARM SUPPLY 299 Railroad Ave., Rutherfordton • 828-288-0395 Mobile: 828-429-5008 • IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! IF YOU BUY ANYWHERE ELSE YOU WILL PAY TOO MUCH! PROUDLY SERVING RUTHERFORD, CLEVELAND, GASTON, LINCOLN, POLK COUNTIES AS THE AREAS HOMETOWN MASSEY FERGUSON DEALER. SCHOOL'S IN....WATCH THE CHILDREN! SCHOOL'S IN....WATCH THE CHILDREN! by MICHAEL E. POWELL Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell helps keep our NC rivers clean Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell, as part of his job, is seen here testing water samples. A group from Kings Mountain High School helps with a cleanup of trash on Buffalo Creek. Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell with a group of volunteers and their four-legged mascot after a cleanup on the First Broad River. David Caldwell, the Cleveland County area's Broad Riverkeeper, preparing to canoe one of the rivers in his area. (photos provided) Members of Rutherford Outdoor Coalition after a scout-ing and log-jam clearing on the Broad between Grays Road and Coxe Road. Local High Local High School School Football Football Schedule Schedule See See Page 7. Page 7.