Today's Entertainment

August 08, 2021

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Brainerd Dispatch • August 8 - 14, 2021 •11 ARCHERY ATHLETES BMX RACING BOXING CANOE EVENTS FENCING FLAGS GAMES GOLD GOLF HOST JAVELIN JUDO KARATE KAYAK MOUNTAIN BIKE OLYMPIC FLAME OLYMPICS RELAY RIVALRY ROWING RUGBY SAILING SHOT PUT SLALOM SOCCER SPORTS SPRINT SURF TENNIS TORCH VENUE WREATH WRESTLING The Olympic Games From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme 7818 Excelsior Road, Suite 100 | Baxter, MN 56425 DO USUFFERFROM ...suffernomore! ousandsofpeople havefoundlastingrel GEDNERVE H LTHYNE BEFORETREATMENT A ERTREATME Callustodayto STOPTHESUFFERING/ reYou periencing PeripheralNe e Damage? DON'T BE A VICTIM OF PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHV LL NOW 000 000 0000 SER UR SPOT OUR UPCOMING SEMI R SPACE IS LIMITED _____________ Whennothingelseworks, Blueprintdoes •,i=bi: 1 ,bluep nt toNeuropathy DO USUFFERFROM ...suffernomore! ousandsofpeople havefoundlastingrel GEDNERVE H LTHYNE BEFORETREATMENT A ERTREATME Callustodayto STOPTHESUFFERING/ reYou periencing PeripheralNe e Damage? DON'T BE A VICTIM OF PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHV LL NOW 000 000 0000 SER UR SPOT OUR UPCOMING SEMI R SPACE IS LIMITED _____________ Whennothingelseworks, Blueprintdoes •,i=bi: 1 ,bluep nt toNeuropathy CALL NOW 218-656-9130 RESERVE YOUR SPOT TO OUR UPCOMING SEMINAR SPACE IS LIMITED Dr. Dillon Remmick, DC | Dr. Aaron Antony, DC | Kasi Zack, APRN, FNP-C

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