Rutherford Weekly

July 29, 2010

Rutherford Weekly - Shelby NC

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Our 18th Year • Issue No. 30 • July 29, 2010 “SMALL T WN FRIENDL “SMALL TOWN FRIENDL Y”® Y” 369 Butler Road, Forest City, North Carolina 28043 • Phone: 828-248-1408 • Email: Benefi t Bluegrass FROM RUTHERFORD HOSPITAL... Concert Series Benefi Bluegrass FROM RUTHERFORD HOSPITAL... Concert Series Every Friday night through August 27 7PM at Every Friday night through August 27 7PM at Union Mills Union Mills Union Mills Learning Center Learning Center Hudlow Rd., Hudlow Rd., Union Mills Proceeds help keep the Center open to serve the community. Kids 12 & under free. Food Available Adults $5 828-287-2191 for info or visit ANOTHER OUTREACH PROGRAM ANOTHER OUTREACH PROGRAM TO HELP OUR KIDS c is a a lo M in m th h a Camp WheezKnot is Rutherford Hospital’s weekend camp for children between the ages of 7-12 who suffer from asthma. This is a medically supervised weekend that offers traditional, fun camp activities, but the focus is on educating children about how to man- age their disease. Knowledge has a profound intervening effect on long-term outcomes. Camp WheezKnot will be held on August 13-15 at South Mountain Christian Camp in Rutherford County. Volunteers staff- ing the camp include regular camp leaders, and local physicians, nurses and respiratory therapists. Gary Schafer, MD, and a staff of medical providers volunteer their time to educate and recreate with these chronically ill children. In addition to educational sessions, we offer sports activities, including swimming, boating, fishing, and healthy foods, crafts and other entertainment during the camp. We are prepared to host 50 campers at the camp. Fri., July 30 • 7:05 Vs. Martinsville Fri., July 30 • 7:05 Vs. Martinsville Sat., July 31 • 7:05 Vs. Fayetteville *FIREWORK* F I R EWO R K S *S * Sat., July 31 • 7:05 Vs. Fayetteville McNair Field McNair Dr., Forest City Wed., Aug. 4• 7:05 Petitt Cup Info • 828-2Info • 828-245-0000 45-0000 Wed., Aug. 4• 7:05 Petitt Cup Owls fans...come out & show your support. Owls fans...come out & show your support. PlayofPlayoffs Begin!fs Begin! Inside This WInside This Week:eek: Outdoor TtOu door Tru hs..............................7uthst Classifieds...............................2-27 ............................7 Classifieds...............................2-27 Local Churches ..........................11 Business & Services DirectoriD rectory.....................................16.....................................16 Faces, Places & Things...............18 aces, Places & Things...............18 Obituaries...................................20 Obituaries...................................20 Let's Talk Bible............................23 Did You Realize?.........................17 nquiriing Photographer.................27 Let's Talk Bible............................23 Did You Realize?.........................17 IInquir ng Photog apher ...............27 Church Happenings....................23 Church Happenings....................23 Community News..........................9 Rutherford County Cooks............22 Bob's Carolina' Community News..........................9 Rutherford County Cooks............22 Bob s Carolina Wea her..................4eathert ................4 Local Churches ..........................11 Business & Services McNair Field McNair Dr Forest Cit Camp WheezKnot attendee Henry Scripps (left) with Georg Ferencz, CampWheezKnot attendee, Henry Scripps (left) with George Ferencz Forest City Owls, Rutherford Hospital Employee Night. Chairman/CEO of River Textile Services, exiting McNair Field. River Textile nal fundraisers. This is the first year we have had the funding in hand services is this years sponsor of Camp WheezKnot. It all happened at the prior to offering the camp.” in giving back to this community which has opened its arms to our company,” says George Ferencz, Chairman/CEO of River Textile Services, Inc. River Textiles and Rutherford Hospital joined forces at the Forest City Owls game on June 19, 2010. George Ferencz joined Camp WheezKnot camper Henry Scripps, to throw out the first pitch for the Foundation’s family night with the OWLS. There are spaces still available for this year’s camp. For registration information for Camp WheezKnot, call camp organizer Patti Brown at 828- 286-5444. Editor's Note: If you would like to contribute to the ongoing campaigns of Rutherford Hospital to help with such beneficial programs as this, you may do so by sending your check or money order to: Rutherford Hospital Foundation, 288 South Ridgecrest Avenue, Rutherfordton, NC 28139. Attn: Jill Miracle. Information and photo provided by Jill Miracle, Rutherford Hospital Foundation Help Stuff The School Bus! This event sponsored by: Suggested items: paper, pencils, notebooks, back- packs, colored pencils, crayons, pencil holders, spiral composition books and pencil sharpeners. Show your support for our students, come out and help us stuff the bus with needed supplies! For more information about 'Stuff the Bus' please call Charlotte Epley, Executive Director Communities in Schools Rutherford County at 828-288-0228. Cash on the Spot! rings...anything gold & Cash on the Spot! Bring us your chains, bracelets, Bring us your chains, bracelets, rings...anything gold & we’ll pay you TOP DOLLAR! TOP DOLLAR! B&D’S THRIFT & LOAN B&D’S THRIFT & LOAN Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:45 596 S. Broadway St., Forest City • 828-245-3551Sat. 8:30-4:30 Help Stuff The School Bus! As you shop for your school supplies, please consider purchasing a little extra for chil- dren who can’t afford to buy them. Every child deserves to start school ready to learn. A yellow school bus will be parked in the Forest City Wal-Mart parking lot on tax-free shopping days, Friday, August 6 from 9AM-9PM; Saturday, August 7 from 9AM-9PM and Sunday, August 8 from 1pm- 4pm. Communities in Schools of Rutherford County and Rutherford County Schools. Rutherford Hospital Foundation offers scholarships for the camp each year for those who require assistance to pay for the food and lodging costs for the camp. It costs approximately $100 for each child to attend camp. Each gift is multiplied by volunteer efforts and contributions from other organizations that make the weekend possible. The total cost of the camp was provided this year through a Corporate Honor Roll sponsorship from River Textile Services. “River Textile Services was the first company to give a substantial corporate gift to Rutherford Hospital Foundation’s “Touching Lives Campaign” this year. Their generosity will pay for the entire camp this season,” says Jill Miracle, Executive Director of the Rutherford Hospital Foundation. “We are so grateful for George Ferencz’s generosity. With this donation, River Textile Services joins the Foundation’s Corporate Honor Role as a Platinum Member, the highest level of contributor.” says Miracle. “Over the years, we have patched together funding for the camp from grants, contributions from pharmaceutical and medical equipment companies and inter- e lo c a p a “R c C th H g h p “This commitment to the Rutherford Hospital Foundation, and specifically for Camp WheezKnot, is River Textile Services’ first step ©Community First Media Community First Media 16,000 copies 6,000 copies THURSD THURSDAY! EVER EVERY

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