The Press-Dispatch

July 7, 2021

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B-10 Wednesday, July 7, 2021 The Press-Dispatch Methodist Continued in next column Pentecostal Pentecostal Nazarene Presbyterian Wesleyan MINUTES Continued from page 8 makes men godly in the dis- pensation of grace, and Paul was made an apostle to get men to acknowledge that dis- pensational change. The word acknowledge means to admit that some- thing is true—usually some- thing that you don't want to admit is true! For instance, no one likes to acknowledge it when they've sinned against God (cf. Hos. 5:15), and ma- ny people don't like to admit that the Law is no longer the truth that makes men godly ei- ther. Here at Berean Bible So- ciety, we often hear from peo- ple who tell us that we are not godly because we don't insist that men keep the sabbath (cf. Col. 2:16), and because we don't call food that God has cleansed unclean (Acts 10 :15). Those things used to constitute godliness under the Law, but they don't under grace! Godliness today doesn't consist of resting on the sab- bath, it consists of resting in the work that the Lord Jesus Christ did for us on the cross! The sabbath was just a type, a symbol, of such rest. Godli- ness today also no longer con- sists of viewing certain foods as unclean. The only reason it was godly under the Law to view certain foods as un- clean was because under the Law certain people were un- clean—the Gentiles (Lev. 20 :24,25 cf. Acts 10 :15,28). So godliness today consists of recognizing that we have the liberty to eat foods that were once unclean because we rec- ognize that Gentiles are no longer unclean in God's sight. In addition, while observ- ing Israel's feasts made a man godly under the Law, godliness today understands that Christ is the fulfillment of the Law's seven feasts. "Christ our passover is sacrificed for us" (I Cor. 5:7), so there is no need for us to keep the feast of passover. And because Christ our passover is sacrificed for us, "we have now received the atonement" (Rom. 5:11), so we don't have to observe the Day of Atonement either. In short, "the truth which is after godliness" has under- gone a dispensational change from what it was under the Law to what it is today under grace. And Paul was made an apostle to get men to ac- knowledge that dispensation- al change. If you will acknowl- edge it, I guarantee it will rev- olutionize your Christian life, and make you eternally glad you did! PAWS WEEK PAWS WEEK Pet of the STELLA "Clearly, dogs believe everyday should include at least one treat, whether it's a long walk in the park or a tasty bone. They know how to appreciate the sim- ple but good things in life"—Pam McQuade. This week, PAWS is fea- turing a spunky young gal named Stella, who is al- ways the life of the party and loves being the insti- gator of making fun things happen at PAWS. She wears a smile at all times, and her vigor and enthusi- asm for life makes the hu- mans that care for her in- stantly feel good. She is a Lab/Terrier mix with black fur and some feath- ering white accents, trust- ing brown eyes and can be adopted by calling 812- 354-9894. things about what you are up to that connects with others. They are glad to hear it from some- one else. I really don't know how to be any different than by just being myself. If I'm angry or if I'm happy I usually show it one way or another, I will not try to be something I'm not. I take an inventory of peo- ple I might have offended ev- ery once in awhile. Sometimes I have to make it right with oth- ers, which I hope helps keep my slate clean. I imagine the one person I offend the most would be my wife and I have noticed lately we are taking each oth- er for granted much more than we used to. She corrects me when I say we have been mar- ried for 54 years. She is right, it is 53 and half. It is true we often just assume the other guy is go- ing to do something or has do- ne something, it was never my fault, but it usually is my fault. Sorry, but I just had a melan- choly moment there. Let's change gears for mo- ment, and talk about one of my concerns and it concerns the stop lights on Main Street. Peo- ple make turning lanes where there are none to turn right on red at both of our stop lights. There have already been a few wrecks by people turning in- to others as they are sitting on your right side. I can under- stand the desire to turn right, but why can't our city make turning lanes at these lights so it would be easier to accomplish a right turn without fear of caus- ing an accident. This is just a thought from someone who has almost had an accident caused by this situation. Our church was a little sparse Sunday with people traveling on the holiday. Still Bro. Rich deliv- ered a good message giving our flag a great tribute and also to the Christian flag for the free- dom they both represent. Sometimes I need a bit of re- minding I'm supposed to be a blessing as well as me telling you all to be a blessing. Be care- ful to help those you can and pray for those you can't. RAMBLINGS Continued from page 8 Independent Methodist Lutheran UNION COMMUNITY CHURCH 3082 N. CR 850 W., Union Pastor 812-664-5454 Sunday school 10 a.m.; wor- ship service 11 a.m. Both ser- vices are EDT; children's ser- vice every fifth Sunday— geared toward children; Iron Sharpens Iron Wednesday night service is now for men and women at 7 p.m. Kevin ( Janna) Easton, Pastor ST. JOHN'S LUTHER AN CHURCH 6483 W. 580 N. Otwell 812-482-7623 stjohnsboonetwp@ Sunday, July 11, Food Bank Sunday; 9 a.m. Praise Team practice; 10 a.m. worship and Holy Communion with Pas- tor Tim Holt, worship leader; Quarterly meeting, following worship. Monday, July 12, 6:30 p.m. Church Council meeting. Wednesday, July 14, 1 p.m. Bible study. Sunday, July 18, 9 a.m. wor- ship team meeting; 10 a.m. worship with Carol Zehr, wor- ST. PETER LUTHER AN CHURCH 10529 S. Church Street Stendal Sunday, July 11 worship ser- vice at 10 :15 a.m. and church council meeting following ser- vice. Bible verse for the week: "The Lord is not slow to ful- fill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient to- ward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance" (II Peter 3:9). Edwin H. Wicks, Pastor ship leader. Paula Mann, Administrative Assistant ALFORD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1709 E. SR. 356 Petersburg Sunday school scheduled the first Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship each week at 10 :30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come and worship with us. Shane Springer, Pastor ALGIERS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Highway 356, Petersburg Sunday school 9 a.m. and worship service 10 a.m. You are always welcome to join our friendly church and worship God with us. Mike Atkins, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 210 W. Harrison Street, Oakland City Church 812-749-3525 Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; worship service 10 :30 a.m.; community luncheons the third Tuesday of each month 10 a.m.-noon CDT. The community of Good Shepherd United Method- ist Church exists to glorify God through Jesus Christ our Lord. As a body of believers, we pledge ourselves to allow the Holy Spirit to develop with- in us maturity of spirit, unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, so that we may be prepared to share His love, mercy and grace through our words and actions to a needy world. We extend an invitation to the public to come and wor- ship with us. The Good Shepherd takes care of His sheep. Neal Scifres, Pastor OTWELL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. Box 146, 10041E. Washington Ave. Otwell 812-766-3344 Facebook: Otwell United Methodist Church and Jeff Pin- ney. Otwell United Methodist in- vites you to join us this Sun- day at 10 :30 a.m. as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ; Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become ma- ture, attaining to the whole mea- sure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-13, NIV ). Jeff Pinney, Pastor PETERSBURG FREE METHODIST CHURCH 202 Walnut Street Submerged in God's Love is the theme for Vacation Bible School on Saturday, June 12 from noon to 4 p.m. The event is open to children ages 3-7. Lunch and an afternoon full of fun Bible lessons, crafts games, music and more are included. It is important to dress in clothes that can get wet, be- cause the games will involve water! We are returning to many of our regular activities. We currently meet in person for worship service at 10 :30 a.m. on Sunday. The messages are also live on Facebook, or you can watch the message later. Sunday school for all ages reopens at 9:30 a.m. Location of the classes has changed. We will help you get to the proper classroom. We have also started a new Sunday School class called "The Journey." Jodi Correll is teaching. This is not an age- based class. It is a discipleship class designed to help people know Scripture better, and be- come more like Jesus. Youth Group meets at 5 p.m. on Sunday. It is our goal for our youth group to be ser- vice oriented. The teens will do a work project at someone's house or other ministry, and have a brief devotional. Families are welcome take part in the service project, but the parents are responsible for their children. The nursery will remain closed for now. We don't be- lieve it is a good idea to allow children of different families to play together at this time. If your child needs to be tak- en out of the service, the nurs- ery can always be used as a place to change your child, or as a cry room. We use every other pew, and ask that you stay socially dis- tanced from those in your pew who you did not come with. We make every effort to sterilize our facility between services. There is a basket as you enter the sanctuary for tithes and offerings. You may also give online through pe- There is a link to our web- site on our Facebook page al- so, and we often put announce- ments and information on RUMBLETOWN FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1485 N. St. Rd. 57 Petersburg Adult Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship at 10 :30 a.m. The church is located south of Petersburg on State Road 57. We are starting a new dis- cussion on Wednesday, June 30. Do you have questions about heaven? We are going to be discussing the book Ran- dy Alcorn, Heaven. Hopefully we will be able to answer some of your questions. The discus- sion will begin 6:30 p.m. See you there. Hope Barnett, Reporter SPURGEON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11505 N. Hwy. 61 Spurgeon Pastor Cell 812-202- 8903 or church office 812-922-8215 Church service 9 a.m.; Fri- day Bible study at 1 p.m. Summer Explosion: July 23- 25 at Lynnville. Friday, eve- ning at 7 p.m.; Saturday, July 24 from 4-7 p.m. with live mu- sic, bounce house, dunking booth, snow cones, food and fellowship, and Sunday, July 25 at 9:30 a.m. "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Romans 12:12). "Our life can change in an instant, leaving us or those we love in circumstances that feel impossible to bear. But when we're willing to share all God has given us while we wait on Him, we can cling to His en- during love...together"—Xo- chitl Dixon. How can you prayerfully and physically support some- one in need today? How has God used someone to offer you tangible support while you waited for Him? "God, please help me love others while I wait for You to work in and through my cir- cumstances"—Amen. Josh Sanders, Pastor Sherry Julian, Reporter WHITE RIVER CHAPEL UMC 3555 W. SR 56 Bowman 812-582-8896 Sunday worship 9 a.m.; Sun- day school 10 :15 a.m. We are exploring the words in Philippians 4:4-9 and how they can help us thrive in cha- os. So many trials come into our lives and along with the business of life. These things can easily choke out the Life of God in us. But praise God, "But seek ye first the King- dom of God, and His righteous- ness; and all these things will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). What things will be add- ed? God's order back into our lives—a peace that passes all understanding—He is in con- trol. Facebook: White River Chapel UMC, Jeff Pinney. Questions regarding church events, call 812-766 -3344 or mail to: 3555 West State Road 56, Petersburg, IN 47567. Jeff Pinney, Pastor both pages. Peace and joy in the Lord. Mark Schlechty, Pastor PETERSBURG CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 118 West Pike Ave. Church 812-354-8851 Service times: Sunday at 10 :30 a.m. Praise and Worship service; 6 p.m. Bible study; Teen activities; Wednesday at 6 p.m. Bible study. Sunday morning service is available via transmitter. Pull in to the church parking lot and tune your radio to 104.3 FM and hear the service from the comfort of your car. Everyone wants to be part of something. Most of us have an earthly family where we feel connected and loved. But if we don't have an earth- ly family, we have a Heavenly Father whose love for us nev- er leaves. Pastor Steve contin- ues his Commandment Series as we take a look at "Honoring our Father, Mother and Fami- lies" from Exodus 20. Sunday morning services are available on our Facebook page—Petersburg Church of the Nazarene or look for us on YouTube. Visit our website WINSLOW NAZARENE CHURCH 106 W. Washington St. Winslow 989-941-7190 Love, Care, Serve, Share Sunday morning service at 10 :30 a.m. Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are welcome to connect with our church either in per- son or online. Facebook: Winslow Church of the Nazarene. YouTube: Winslow Nazarene. Website: Irene's Food Pantry: Every third Saturday from 10 -11:30 a.m. Hope to see you soon. Joe Decker, Pastor for additional information. If the church can be of assis- tance to you, contact us at pas- We hope you will join us Sunday as we celebrate our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Steve Hamilton, Pastor HOUSE OF MERCY CHURCH Corner of East and Porter Winslow Pastor 812-789-5229 A Church with open arms and a loving heart. Sunday morning service 10 :15 a.m. and Sunday school at 11 a.m. We are on Facebook live Sunday mornings. July 4 came around and we celebrated the freedom that we have in this great country. Free from tyranny that our forefathers paid a great price for. We need to remember the great price that Jesus paid so we could be free from the sins of our flesh and the works of Satan. Everyday, we need to be so thankful and celebrate our salvation. If you do not know Him as your savior, He is just a breath away. Remember those that are in the hospital, nursing homes and those that are home for recovery. Lift up in prayer your presi- dent, U.S. Congress, and your state and local government of- ficials, as the Bible states that we might live a peaceful life. May your week be blessed and your journeys safe. George Bruce, Jr., Pastor MAIN STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10th and Main Streets, Petersburg 812-354-6844 Sunday worship 10 :30 a.m. Come visit us, our doors are always open to you. Stop, look and listen Literature, painting, mu- sic — the most basic lesson that all art teaches us is to stop, look and listen to life on this planet, including our own lives, as a vastly richer, deep- er, more mysterious business than most of the time it ever occurs to us to suspect as we bumble along from day to day on automatic pilot. ... When Jesus [says] that the greatest command of all is to love God and to love our neighbor, he too is asking us to pay attention. If we are to love God, we must first stop, look and listen for him in what is happening around us and in- side us. If we are to love our neighbors, before doing any- thing else we must see our neighbors. With our imagina- tion as well as our eyes, that is to say like artists, we must see not just their faces but the life behind and within their faces. Here it is love that is the frame we see them in. Office hours: 9 a.m.-noon, Monday-Friday. Amy Melhiser, Secretary OTWELL WESLEYAN CHURCH 2277 N. Mechanics Street Otwell Pastor 812-354-3028 Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; morning worship at 10 :30 a.m.; 6:30 p.m. Sunday evening wor- ship service. Share God's love and word When God is an important part of your life, it's only natu- ral that you'd want to share His love and word with everyone you know. Sometimes, though, it can seem really hard to talk to others about your beliefs, even though God calls us to spread His word around the whole world. Fortu- nately, there are a lot of ways you can be a witness for your faith— and remember, God calls each of us differently, so it's okay to find the approach that works best for you. Be open about your faith. Men- tion your beliefs when it fits into a conversation. Don't be shy about telling others that you believe in God—it gives them an opportu- nity to ask you more about it if they're curious. Share your salvation story with others. Be specific about how God has worked in your life. When you're connecting with others, look for opportuni- ties to talk about how God has worked in your life. This can be especially helpful if you can re- late to something they're going through. Explain that you haven't always been the person they see in front of you now, and talk about how you found God and the im- pact that had on you. "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gos- pel to all creation" (Mark 16:15, NIV ). Roy Stilwell, Pastor Pam Lemond, Reporter

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