Hoosier State Press Association - The Indiana Publisher
Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1378099
Metzger, associate lecturer in Journalism at Ball State. During her 30-year journalism career, Metzger has served as editor of three newspapers and president and publisher of three others. This year, The Indianapolis Recorder received Madison Smalstig from Indiana University as a Pulliam intern. Smalstig has written more than 140 stories for her college paper, the Indiana Daily Student. She'll be a senior and is majoring in Journalism and Spanish. The Recorder operates with two reporters, so introducing interns into the mix will give the regular staffers an opportunity to work on projects and go a little deeper with their stories, said The Recorder's editor, Oseye Boyd. Boyd said the program will give interns the confidence and tools to do the job at a newspaper. "When I had an internship, it was invaluable to me to get that real- life experience," Boyd said. Ellie Albin is also a Journalism major from IU and will also work this summer for an Indianapolis publication —.the Indianapolis Business Journal. Albin, a sopho- more, was editor-in-chief of her high school paper in Fishers, N the Red. Taylor Dixon is majoring in Multimedia Journalism at Franklin College. The senior works for The Franklin and said with reporting she appreciates, "the endless possibili- ties of what a day can bring." Dixon will spend her summer at The Journal Review in Crawfordsville. Brea Haller has served as editor-in-chief of the Indiana Statesman at Indiana State Univer- sity where she's worked for two years. Haller, a senior majoring in Communications, is at the Tribune Star in Terre Haute this summer. Tristan Jackson is the former editor-in-chief at the IDS at IU. The reporter and editor is also an award-winning designer and will be a senior this year majoring in Journalism. Jackson will spend his summer at The Herald-Times (Bloomington). Communications major Sawyer Osmun worked on her student newspaper at Hanover College where she covered the Covid-19 pandemic and athletics. Osman, a senior who is also on Hanover's track and field team, is interning at The Herald Bulletin in Anderson. During her senior year in high school, Tori Smith wrote for the Kankakee Valley Post News in DeMotte. That experience convinced her to continue in journalism: "I saw who and where I wanted to be," Smith wrote in her application. This summer, the Ivy Tech Community College sopho- more will be working at the Rennselaer Republican. Franklin College senior Taylor Wooten has served as co-execu- tive editor of The Franklin newspaper and has also worked for TheStatehouseFile.com. The Multimedia Journalism major will spend her summer at The Daily Journal in Franklin. "I think this group is going to be hugely helpful to the newspapers they represents and will get a great experience because of the gift that the Pulliams and HSPA have given them," Metzger said. "I think they really appreciate what that means." Page 13 May 2021 all of the parts and pieces using InDesign, creating page PDFs and sending them off to our Greencastle office for printing. There is so much more to this side of the industry than I realized, and my love of learning has been one of the things I've leaned on to see me through. Making mistakes is another valu- able part of learning, and while I can sometimes beat myself up too much, I am grateful for the blunders that have taught me what NOT to do. That silver lin- ing is what makes me keep try- ing until I get it right. I will close this column with a quote from the greatest band in the world, the Ramones. The quote is, of course, a lyric and it has almost no bearing on the subject I've been yammering away at, but it's still from the Ramones and therefore still very cool ... "Chewin' out a rhythm on my bubble gum ... the sun is out, and I want some ... it's not hard, not far to reach, we can hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach. Up on the roof, out in the street ... down in the playground, the hot concrete ... bus ride is too slow ... driver's got the disco on the radio ... Rock, rock, Rockaway Beach ..." If you ever get sad, or need a reason to jump up and down with a big smile on your face, listen to this song. You can thank me later. Danner Continued from Page 4 There is so much more to this side of the industry than I realized, and my love of learn- ing has been one of the things I've leaned on to see me through. Interns Continued from Page 1 Have access & other legal questions? Contact the HSPA Legal Hotline. HSPA Executive Director & General Counsel Steve Key is available to answer your questions. Email skey@hspa.com or call (317) 624-4427. Look for the Hotline column every month in the Indiana Publisher. Juli Metzger speaks with 2021 Pulliam interns on May 19 at the Pulliam Production Center in Indianapolis.