
June 2021

TheBurg News - Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

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FRIENDS OF THEBURG AN ANNUAL PROGRAM Friends of eBurg is our annual membership program. It allows individuals, households and businesses to support the important work we do through our daily news reporting, our monthly magazine, eBurg Podcast, 3rd in the Burg and our other events and activities. It also allows you to show your love and support for the greater Harrisburg community! Please join today! FRIENDS of THEBURGNEWS.COM/FRIENDS-OF-THEBURG MEMBER Lisa Calla-Russ Ruchi Tanna Brandon Williams Adam Porter Erika Firestone Marty Shifflett Mike Greenwald Sarah Eicher Bob Murray Joan Derricks Kraft Erin Shellenberger Jason Mundok Arlynn A. Weber Kelsey Horn Wayne Landon David Morrison Jacki Hagmayer Kathy Speaker MacNett Olivia Susskind Linda Beck Marilyn Derr Kauffman Pam Stein Charles Wilson Ashlynn Trimmer Bruce Weber Ashley Gensel Rizi Michael Mertle Valentine Michael Smith David Olmsted Donald R Barnett Linda Riccio Alex Shirreffs Ed Jaroch Jess Hayden Ms. Lisa Bolan John K. Robinson Sue Tatge Carol D. Lane Michael & Denise Williams HOUSEHOLD Sebastian & Sarah Schrank Andy & Willa Adams Alex Reber Janice Hummel Ed Garrett Andrew Finkenbinder & Brianna Crowley omas & Lauren Maurer e Baldridge Family Brad & Robin Jones Molly & Matt Siena & Matt McLees Justin & Erin Heinly Pat and Joanne White Brenda Barrett Robert and Sharon Herr Donald & Nancy Lay Jeffery & Lisa Lynch Jim & Mary Gelenser Beth Stone & Jim Rietmulder Gus & Christy Lesnevich Howard Rosen Sarah & Eric Athey Nate Lotze & Autumn Anderson Kent Hurst & Christiane Reinhold Tim Johnson & Sarah Cordek Jeff & Julie Schiefer Jamar Gittens Jr Jodi Sanger & Joseph Weaver Brett Davis Doug & Amy Hill Jeff & Caitlin Copus Annie & Andy Hughes Joe Canamucio & Jane Block Andi & Lou Sacks Karen & Charlie Stokes Fagan-Dewalt Family Heidi & Anthony Champa Diane McNaughton & Family e Sponic & Anderson-Stahl Family Kathy Buffington Keith Edwards Matt Freed & Shannon Twigg Luke DiCesare & Allan Jespersen Shawn Westhafer & Hana Rosen-Westhafer Liz & Tim Colestock Patty & Bill Barbour Michelle & Travis DiNicola Allan & Carol Rossi Anne J. Yellott M. Diane McCormick & Marc Farrell Kristin & Michael Roberts e ompsons Matt Caylor & Manda Shafer Ted & Lori Reese omas Leonard & Janet Day Russ & Nancy Mueller Janet Konkle Richard Roccato Bill & Betty Blando Anna Fulginiti & Sue Summerville Bob & Jana MacGinnes Mara & David Shall Jamie Earl Kim & Steve Lahnstein Katherine & William Pickering Sharon Fahrer & Tony Ruelius Ron & Kate Conard Kelly Roberts Satzler Ann & George Moffitt M. Eileen Carson & Robert Finkel Kerry & Paige Mullen Helen & Spencer Nauman Ann & Kurt Knaus Bob & Robin Janes Liz Helmick & Grant Baldwin Marinda Reames & Andy Herring Gregory & Dana Dreibelbis Jancey & Evan Mallory Brian & Becky Esworthy e Andrews Family Melissa & Clark Nicholson Marian E. Frankston & Burtron D. Morris Christina Mihalik Terrie Hechler Ryan, Jennifer & Maeve Morgan Bebe Mullaugh & Jeff Lynch Kathryn Bartizek Steven Birmingham Jane, Jeff, & Beck Wiles Roger & Anne Chappelka Wolfgang & Missy Stehr-Wood Wilmer Henninger Sandy Smagula Devan Drabik Julia Kenny Dan Christ Ali Firoozmand Elaine VandeMortel Kecia A Cunningham Robert Unger Michelle McKeown e Trovillion Family Deb Schell Alexandra Jones Christine & Richard Bair Maria Jackson Richard A. Abel III Maryanne Olley Carl Hursh Shelly Bloom Carol Tooker Wendy Chung Jen Hirt Mike Ennis Bob Emerick Caroline Mael Christy Leo Lois Smith Susan Young Jay Gasdaska Carol Williams Christina Heintzelman Zac Monnier David L. Rodgers Patrick Amice Catherine Rowe Marney R. Lappley Judy Forshee Ari Retzer Nick Hughes Kristin Scofield Ashley Fiorucci Anne V. Marek Joyce Match Lizzy Hardison Cindy Carmickle Julian Haigood Karla Flores Marissa Shollenberger Roberta Silver Elizabeth A. Stone Janet Tull Foreman David Robinson John Harris Dennis Wenger Alex Torres Brian McCollum Craig Sager Rachel Jones Robert Gerberich Adrienne Potter Lonnie Walker Joan Boytim Gary Russo Shirley ompson Steven Roush Quynh Bain Sharon Snyder Donna Julian Hiliary Bower Joni Mitchell Carol Buskirk Susan Schreckengaust Ralph Diekemper Melvin Brownold Mollie Clark Cher Harris Andy Isaacs Pamela MacNett Tom & Becky Boone Kathryn Sterner Cheryl Clark & Allen Schlouch Nancy & Irwin Aronson Robert Pendrak Paul & Amy Murray Mary Warner & Stephen MacDonald Jenifer & omas Donnelly Dale & Gail Laninga Gaylon Morris Bradley Forman Karen & Mike Miller Sean & Beth Ann Connolly S.L. Bailey & B.J. Klaiber Rich & Janetta Brenner Steve Wicht Pam Cummings & Carl Dickson Sten & Ellen Hartman Julia & Michael Knight Aaron Garman & Zach Ashley Roger & Joann Sider Corky Goldstein Christopher Harris & Andrea Pritt Dr. Steven & Laura Roy Fink Jon & Raquel Bomberger Debi Vennell & Jeff Clement Linda Shorey & John Decker Jessie Gmeinder David True David Noll Mark& Sarah McGowan Sal Marone George & Joan Hellmann Will & Sharon Best Debbie Reihart Vangie & Mike Unti Gerry & Susan Garber Kim & Ryan Riley Emilie M. Tierney Michael Sharon & Evalyn Fisher Siobhan Laura Hyser Leo & Dawn Deaner Nancy Graham Susie Urbany Karen Cullings Lawrence Valerio Mark & Melissa Fitzgerald Amira & Shane LaGray e Deighan Family Sonia Kikeri & Noah Erwin COMMUNITY PILLAR City House B&B Maverick Strategies K&W Engineers Radish & Rye Todd & Kathy Vander Woude John & Abby Tierney Michael Lam GK Visual Lois Lehrman Grass John & Michelle Mason Holly M. Leggett Stacey & Associates, LLC Hamilton Health Center Knead HBG Deeter Gallaher Group Homeland Center & Homeland at Home DaFlure Heating, Cooling & Solar Sara Bozich Karen Hendricks Pine Street Presbyterian Church Harrisburg Catholic Elementary School Historic Harrisburg Association Chris Dawson Architect Red Door Consignment Gallery Melody Evans Scott & Tracy Conley LeadUP Gas Hearth Solutions Consider It Done, LLC Magalena Gryphon Pastorante Framed! in St omas Shana Woomer, REALTOR Lucy M. Gnazzo & LM Gnazzo Promotion Strategies Crescent Strategy, LLC Midtown Action Council Matthew Krupp, Dauphin County Prothonotary Grace UMC Harrisburg Capital Cuts Hair Salon Reiki By Rickie Zion Lutheran Church Capital Area School for the Arts 128 1/2 A Hair Salon/ Steven Errol Dailey Vivi on Verbeke Kay Rodkey Mobile Massage erapy by Jillian Breneman, LMT TALAN Systems Vrai Restaurant/ Shelly Page Audry & Andy Carter Alder Health Services Dimitri Zozos Bail Bonds e Circle School Robert C. Raudenski SMALL BUSINESS David J. Morrison Christina Zarek Floyd Wright Susan Hanna Alison Kroh Louis Searles Audrey Light Kirsten Moe Anne Wain Larry Portzline Ben Hinnenkamp Vincenza Portzline Trish Newdeck Susan L. Anthony Elizabeth Hall Marc-Carroll Rigel Anne Davis Janice Ragonese Rick ompson Bryan Greenberg Francis X. O'Brien Steve Rudolph Josh Hooper Cedar Fleeger Frances Coleman Tomm Chestnut Christopher Shearer Bonnie Rhoads Stacey Banks Leane orn Beckey Kathleen Minnaugh Melissa Herman Art Duprat Azure Maset Tierney Pomone Karl Kocher Jr. THANK YOU TO OUR MEMBERS! LEARN MORE:

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