
2021 Midstate Table Section

TheBurg News - Greater Harrisburg's Community Magazine

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32 | THEBURGNEWS.COM | 05.21 REVIVAL SOCIAL CLUB Fish of the Day: Daily changing selection. Market Price | 19 North George St., York 17401 | 717-430-2981 Over the years, Harrisburg-area restaurants have been through plenty of ups and downs. However, they've never experienced anything like 2020, when the pandemic led to huge losses and even closures. Recently, many restaurants have reopened, and now they just need one thing—you! is summer, please return to your favorite places to make sure that they bounce back and continue to revive. In this section, we feature selections from some wonderful Harrisburg-area restaurants, giving you very tasty ways to restart your local culinary journey. Support Midstate Restaurants! HOME 231 Carrot Gnocchi: sugar snap pea, haricot verts, diced carrot, red curry, walnut parmesan ($27) | 231 North St., Harrisburg, 17101 | 717-232-4663 SPONSORED CONTENT

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