Today's Entertainment

March 21, 2021

The Brainerd Dispatch - Today's Entertainment Magazine

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Brainerd Dispatch • March 21 - 27, 2021 •11 AMUSEMENT ARCADE BOOTH CAROUSEL CIRCUS CLOWN CORN DOG COUNTY FAIR CROWD EGG SCRAMBLER ENTERTAINMENT EVENT EXCITEMENT FAIRGROUND FLOAT FOOD FUN HOUSE GAMES HOT DOG ICE CREAM MIDWAY MUSIC POPCORN PRIZES RIDES RING TOSS SIDESHOW TICKETS WATER GUN Fun at the Fair From the list, find each word and circle its letters in the puzzle to reveal a message relating to this week's theme Dr. Dillon Remmick, DC 7818 Excelsior Road, Suite 100 Baxter, MN 56425 218-656-9130 This EXCLUSIVE treatment is only available through Minnesota Regenerative Institute. If you suffer from Neuropathy NOW is the time to get the relief you need. Call now to begin your start to a pain free life. Are You A Good Candidate For This Treatment? Do your feet keep you up at night? Do you have trouble with stairs? Are you finding it difficult to drive because you can't feel the gas pedal? Are you taking medications for your pain with little to no results? Do you suffer from: • Numbness/Burning pain • Leg Cramping • Sharp, electrical-like pain • Pain when you walk • Difficult sleeping sue to leg and foot discomfort • Pricking or tingling in the hands & feet Positive Treatment results include: • Improved balance and Stability • Improved Pain Free sleeping • Reduced Swelling • Increased blood flow to legs and feet • Improved Walking and Exercise Patients report 87% reduction in pain symptoms after treatment — in fact, average pain score went from 7.9 to 1 with no negative side effects. *There is nothing that we can do once you've developed 85% nerve loss. TRUSTEDFORSERVICE.TRUSTEDFORQUALITY. 218.829.1491 EMERGENCYAFTER HOURS: 218.820.8732 171713 th St.SE.Brainerd,MN56401

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