Diversity Rules Magazine

March 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1345204

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Diversity Rules Magazine|Mar 2021 | 21 Advertise Today! Diversity Rules Magazine is an independent gay press that re- lies on the support of those who support its mission. Advertising in Diversity Rules Magazine is one of the best ways to support independent publications. Additionally, your advertising support will also help help Diversity Rules spread its messge of respect for diversity and help to empower individuals to look inside them- selves for answers about who they are and what their pur- pose is in life. www.diversityrulesmagazine.com .Be Part of Diversity Rules Are you a writer, musician, poet, or other type of creative person looking for a venue to express yourself in but haven't been able to garner the attention you want? Diversity Rules Magazine wants to hear from you! Showcase yourself and your talent in front of a diverse audience each month through the online digital magazine as well as the website. Contact the editor today to be part of Diversity Rules Magazine and get yourself featured monthly or as a guest feature!! Want to advertise and/or subscribe? Head to the website to find out how! diversityrulesmagazine@gmail.com (607) 435.1587

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