Red Bluff

Red Bluff 2021

Red Bluff

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6 Red Bluff 2021 The Sacramento River Discovery Center The Sacramento River Discovery Center is open for short visits of a few hours, or extended tours with guided lectures at a small fee that must be pre- scheduled. Most of the research and displays at the center have been created by students and the community. People from many diverse agencies and organizations, representing a broad-based community effort, came together to create the Sacramento River Discovery Center to promote understanding of the balance between the river, its watershed and the community. The 488-acre site is an outdoor classroom at the Red Bluff Recreation Area and offers walking trails through native habitats such as a riparian forest, flowering grasslands, wetlands and oak woodlands. There are numerous community projects that the center encourages such as the high school's Regional Occupation Program, the summer camp from mid-June through the first week of August and the artwork that's for sale inside the center. The visitor's center is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center contains educational displays and hands-on interpretive displays. The center also hosts monthly evening programs and an annual dinner meeting. The center is at the end of Sale Lane, two miles south of Red Bluff. More information is available at 527-1196. $3.00 Off $20 pizza purchase Check out our full menu at (530) 527-9226 • 75 Belle Mill Road, Red Bluff Bring this coupon in for Coupon offers cannot be combined. MEDICAL SUPPLEMENT PLANS DENTAL, VISION & SILVER SNEAKERS Red Bluff Insurance Services 530-840-6611 805 Walnut St., Red Bluff CA

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