Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_
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Diversity Rules Magazine June 2013 3 most of us take it for granted. We don't pay attention to the warning signals and we don't service it on a regular basis. Its operating system is barely utilized and its capacity for unBy Terry Ludwig derstanding is paramount. Most of us haven't begun to look into all of the amazing Terry's brother Rob died of AIDS functions it has! We're in 2004 and left her his writings of which Keep Up Now is the result. too busy looking outTerry can be reached at keepupside of ourselves for satnow@gmail.com. Check out Terry's isfaction and happiness, website at: www.terryludwig.net to find out how to manwhen in reality; the key ifest happiness and abundance. (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. / grsphoto to happiness has been inHow long has it been since you re-booted your hard side of us all along! drive and downloaded the latest version of your Self? Your mind has the capacity to heal all sickness, creWe all know what happens when we haven't downate happiness and unlimited abundance, and take you loaded the last update for our computers, right? Things to places you haven't even imagined. Your mind is start to slow down, and eventually they just don't work also the source of all sickness, depression and poverty. at all. To make sure this doesn't happen, we update With each thought you think you are healing yourself our computers on a regular basis and we're up to date or injuring yourself. on the latest techno gizmos to keep our lives operating Mow many thoughts do you think you have in a day? efficiently. Some experts estimate the human brain can have up I'm always juggling a dozen tasks at a time; running to 60,000 thoughts per day. That's roughly 2,500 a business, keepthoughts per ing my interior hour, and bro"Undeniably as individuals we have fallen prey to self-hatred or at least guilt design projects ken down furor depression of one kind or another. That's ok, because we have the right up to tempo, ther, it's 42 to hurt ourselves. That momentary inner defeat is our consciousness. We making sure my thoughts per have acted against our own compassionate spirit. But within that collecclients are hapminute! Every tive spiritual depth of pain there is within each of us a single ray of hope, py, maintaining yet unmeasured. We are light whose frequency is timeless; whose source is thought you boundless and are ourselves open channels of creative force from which we my home, serhave sends a shine." – Rob Ludwig vicing the family message of invehicles, caring tention to the for my children, Universe and and let's not forget planning and preparing meals and an affirmation to your mind. What are you creating? attending to daily fitness routines! Do you change the oil in our car every 3,000 miles? In order to make sure my life runs as smoothly as posGive the same respect to your mind! It requires mainsible, I reboot and update my computers so I can stay tenance; vigilance to watch over your thoughts and connected to my programs without interruption. I eat moments of reflection to receive guidance and direchealthy meals and exercise, but most important, I stay tion. It begins with a conscious choice and a little willconnected to my higher Source; by going inside my ingness to shift your perception. Once you make the mind, through; yoga, running, meditation, reading, decision to begin your inner journey, the Universe will and always being conscious of my thoughts. present you with opportunities. The right people and tools will show up in your life and your voyage will Computers are quick to let you know something has begin. Your path is unique; it's your responsibility to gone wrong, but how do you know when something be aware of the signals the Universe is sending and to has gone wrong with your mind? Any time you expebe accountable for your thoughts. rience unhappiness or sickness in any form something has gone wrong! Unhappiness and sickness are the red If your life is not brining you happiness, abundance flashing lights on your dash board sending the message and joy, your maintenance light is flashing. It's time "It's time to service your vehicle… Your mind"! to reboot your hard drive, go inside, and search for the answers. Ask, and you shall receive. Download and The greatest processor ever made is your mind, but retrieve the latest version of your Self! Keep Up Now