Diversity Rules Magazine

February 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1335646

Contents of this Issue


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Jim Koury is a seeker of personal truth, and desires to empower others to find their own personal truth, whatever it may be. He is also an ac vist who is not afraid to speak his mind, and ruffle some feathers, if necessary. His main objec ve is to get people to think and think for themselves. He espouses Aristo- tle's mantra, "It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accep ng it." Jim does not force his views on others but just puts them out there for folks to think about and discard if they wish. Welcome to the February Issue of Diversity Rules Magazine. The year is star ng to chug along as they always do, and me, as usual, will pass very quickly! This February we have much to celebrate! Joseph R. Biden is now our President. What a wonderful feeling it is to wake up each day and not wonder what the former occupant said or did to disrupt the balance of power in the world, or who he offended or ridiculed. We now have a REAL President again working for the American people, and not just friends and those who have a vested interest in having someone in the White House who will directly benefit their financial condi on. We have much to be thankful for, and a lot to look forward to with Biden as our President. That is not to say the vileness and repugnant behav- ior of his followers will go away. They seem to be alive and well, and it will take a bit to contain them once again. However, they have caused a tremendous split in the Republican Party which will take many years to resolve internally. In the mean me, America will move forward once again toward its inherent goal of crea ng a more perfect union. This month's feature is with Juliet Evancho. Juliet is transgender and received her recogni on for suing her school over the bathroom issues, as some of the people in her home town in Pennsylvania were not always inclusive and accep ng. She has turned the hardships that she has faced during her younger days and transi on into a posi ve, by crea ng a nonprofit with her mom to help LGBTQ+ members in the Pi s- burgh area receive housing if they have been kicked out of their homes, or any supplies they need to sur- vive. Juliet's story is an empowering one and is about over- coming obstacles and challenges that will serve as an example to those struggling with the same issues. I hope you enjoy Juliet's interview. As usual, the February issue also includes other great features and ar cles of interest to a wide range of readers and their interests. As always, Diversity Rules Magazine always welcomes contributors of content. If you are a writer, musician, poet, or another type of crea ve person looking for a venue to express your- self in but haven't been able to garner the a en on you want, then Diversity Rules Magazine wants to hear from you! Showcase yourself and your talent in front of a diverse audience each month through the online digital magazine as well as the blog on the website. Please feel free to contact me to find out how to be part of Diversity Rules Magazine and get yourself fea- tured monthly or as a guest feature!! Also, if you want to adver se and/or subscribe, then head to the website to find out how to do both! This year will be a challenging one as we wind down with COVID-19. Vaccines are now being developed and new ones being approved, which should help put this horrid pandemic behind us. Un l it is over, please stay safe, and be aware of your surroundings. We can all get through this if we do what the scien- sts tell us to do! See you in March! My Two Cents A Message From The Editor James R. Koury, Editor/Publisher Diversity Rules Magazine | Feb 2021 | 3

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