Special Publications

Corning 2021

Red Bluff Daily News Special Publications

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1333315

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2 Corning 2021 WE ARE THE ONLY STATE CERTIFIED TRAINED RAPE CRISIS CENTER IN TEHAMA THAT HOLDS CONFIDENTIAL/ PRIVILEGE* *Our services are confidential, except when working in a child abuse prevention program in any school. We are required by law to report to Children Services Division or Local Law Enforcement. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Not only is sex without consent a crime, but being pressured or forced into any sexual situation you're not ready for can do lasting emotional damage. It's not enough to just assume someone wants sex as much as you, you really have to ask! ANY sexual activity that is UNWANTED, UNWILLING or UNINVITED... ...is NON-CONSENUAL & AGAINST THE LAW! It is a complete sentence. NO. 24 Hour Crisis Line: (530) 342 - rape (7273) CoLLeCt CaLLs aCCepted TEHAMA BUSINESS OffICE: (530) 529-3980 M/f 10-6 Calling from Corning: (530) 824-3982 **We are following CDC COVID-19 protocol. Currently all direct client services are virtual. PLEASE call for additional information. WE ARE THE ONLY STATE CERTIFIED TRAINED RAPE CRISIS CENTER IN TEHAMA THAT HOLDS CONFIDENTIAL/ PRIVILEGE* *Our services are confidential, except when working in a child abuse prevention program in any school. We are required by law to report to Children Services Division or Local Law Enforcement. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Not only is sex without consent a crime, but being pressured or forced into any sexual situation you're not ready for can do lasting emotional damage. It's not enough to just assume someone wants sex as much as you, you really have to ask! ANY sexual activity that is UNWANTED, UNWILLING or UNINVITED... ...is NON-CONSENUAL & AGAINST THE LAW! It is a complete sentence. NO. 24 Hour Crisis Line: (530) 342 - rape (7273) CoLLeCt CaLLs aCCepted TEHAMA BUSINESS OffICE: (530) 529-3980 M/f 10-6 Calling from Corning: (530) 824-3982 WE ARE THE ONLY STATE CERTIFIED TRAINED RAPE CRISIS CENTER IN TEHAMA THAT HOLDS CONFIDENTIAL/ PRIVILEGE* *Our services are confidential, except when working in a child abuse prevention program in any school. We are required by law to report to Children Services Division or Local Law Enforcement. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Not only is sex without consent a crime, but being pressured or forced into any sexual situation you're not ready for can do lasting emotional damage. It's not enough to just assume someone wants sex as much as you, you really have to ask! ANY sexual activity that is UNWANTED, UNWILLING or UNINVITED... ...is NON-CONSENUAL & AGAINST THE LAW! It is a complete sentence. NO. 24 Hour Crisis Line: (530) 342 - rape (7273) CoLLeCt CaLLs aCCepted TEHAMA BUSINESS OffICE: (530) 529-3980 M/f 10-6 Calling from Corning: (530) 824-3982

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