Diversity Rules Magazine

January 2021

Diversity Rules Magazine - _lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning_

Issue link: https://www.ifoldsflip.com/i/1323991

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Editor's Message - Con't from page 3 The death of a parent was always something that hap- pened to others. I did not think the ominous grasp of the reaper shrouded in black would not come knock- ing on our door. He always does, but I am forever grateful that he did not come to collect his due un l she hit the ripe old age of 90. I am truly humbled that I have been honored to have the presence of both my folks for so long, as many my age are not so lucky. Alas, I now join the ranks of those who have experienced the excrucia ngly sad loss of a parent, that rips a part of one's heart out of the very chest within which it is housed. The emp ness is forever. Her smile, her voice, and the endless and uncondi- onal support and love given to me by my mom will not be part of my daily physical realm any longer, but only exis ng within the memories of my mind, which I am sure I will call upon with great frequency. I have to say that I have never really experienced such a degree of mental and emo onal exhaus on that I have felt with the death of my mom. What will I remember most about 2020? It will not be Covid. It will not be Trump losing, or any other notable geopo- li cal or social event that happened. 2020 will always be solely remembered as the year I lost my mom ... my best friend, my confidant, the focus of all I pre y much did last year and every year before that. I will never forget you, mom. You will always have a place in my heart. I shall think of you every day. Your memory shall always burn brightly within my consciousness un l death ex nguishes the very glow in my eyes as it did to your loving, caring eyes on Oc- tober 22nd. I bid adieu but you shall never be forgot- ten by me, your family, and those who had the honor and privilege of knowing you. What will 2021 bring? Well, who the fuck knows, af- ter the year we had! However, we can be sure of two things ... Trump will be gone, as will COVID, with one depar ng much sooner than the other. January 20th will surely be a na onal day of celebra on when the evil one departs and power is transferred to an adult once again. As for COVID, I am afraid that wretched- ness will be with us for a bit longer, but the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen with 2 highly effec- ve vaccines that will end this pandemic. Pa ence will be the keyword, but my pa ence, as well as that of millions of other Americans, has been greatly strained with our intense desire for life to return to what it once was before the pandemic. Personally, 2021 will be a year of change, directly re- lated to the death of my mom. Such an emo onal event naturally changes one's perspec ve and focus to a worldview dominated by the void created by the loss of someone we love very much. 2021 is also a 5 year, which in numerological terms, symbolizes a period of intense transi on and great changes. Be- ing in tune with such numerological, and other spiri- tual influences, I do not doubt that 2021 will bring changes in my situa on on a grand scale never expe- rienced before, which is a good thing. We cannot fear change, as change is the force that propels us to greatness. It is how we deal with the change that will determine whether or not it is a pro- pelling force or one that stymies and halts us in our tracks. It takes great courage and perseverance to overcome the fear of change and to allow it to mold us into the person we need to become … who we were meant to become. Yes, this feature ar cle had nothing to do really with queer issues or those related to profound changes in the way we perceive, acknowledge, and deal with persons different from us. I believe much of that will take care of itself with a new, more liberal Democrat- ic Administra on breathing new life into the Ameri- can experiment a er years of excoria ngly painful and discriminatory policies that have hurt millions of Americans. My words of wisdom and advice for 2021 and to those reading this, is to work on yourselves to be- come the best you possible, in any way, shape, or form you have to do it. There is personal greatness within all of us. The thing is, no one can pry it out except the person we look at in the mirror every day. It takes guts, gump on, and courage to change one's course in life. The forces of change will certainly do that, whether it be the loss of a parent or other loved one, a new job/loss of a job, or whatever other events that may seem to destabilize at the me it happens. Within the chaos, there is the seed of greatness. Yes, cliché but it is a grounding truth of life. Seek among the rubble for the seed that will foster the greatness you deserve no ma er who or what you are. Do not let the seed get lost in the fear. Grab on to it, hold it ghtly, and let it blossom when the me is right. 4 | Diversity Rules Magazine | Jan 2021

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